Posts from arthurarnell in thread „Jw In Foreign Countries“

    Yes you're right, a case of familiarity breeding contempt. I got so tied up with the George Sanders part that I didn't bother to check the rest of the cast, and it seemed reasonable to accept Walter Brennan as he appeared to be in everything around about that time.
    If you look at the casting Chill Wills played the normal Walter Brennen role and Wilfred Lawson a British dramatic character actor and character was totally miscast as McDougal.


    I bought an old English picturegoer magazine yesterday dated 1953 and there was a small paragraph relating to Warner Brothers making Hondo. The item also said that Hondo meant a noose or a lariat is that Spanish?


    I have a reproduction film poster showing John Wayne standing barechested in the middle of a river punching what looks like an apache indian with three companions dressed like Davy Crockett also fighting Apaches. The film is entitled BLACK RIVER and besides starring John Wayne it also mentions George Sanders, Walter Brennan and Claire Trevor. As George Sanders only appeared in one film it must be Allagahney Uprising. The only clue to the nationality is the word REGIE: William Seiter which although us English don't learn any one else's language must be foreign for Director. Hence Allaghaney Uprising in the US, The First Rebel in UK and Black River somewhere in Europe.
    Incidentally in Fords Drums along the Mohawk the film predated the American Revolution so we were the good guys.

    Best Regards for the Festive season