Posts from Sterling Price in thread „All ""reality shows"" are so scripted.“

    This may be slightly "off topic" ~ but still relevant to the general discussion of how someone might well come into possession of what may be genuine movie memorabilia.

    Some years ago, my son perusing through one of Hollywood's old western movie prop houses came across a number of old cowboy movie hats. He bought 4 of them and mailed one of them to me. It fit perfectly and I wear it often as one can see by my JWMB avatar.

    It is a genuine light colored Stetson with an engraved marking on the inner sweat band ~

    John B. Stetson
    4 X Beaver

    "Hidden" inside and underneath the sweatband was also a small white tag marked "High Noon" with the numerical identity ~ #1100.

    I did as much research as I could to determine whether this hat may have actually been worn by one of the characters in "High Noon" or not. In the movie, Gary Cooper always wore a dark colored hat so I knew that was out. But what I was able to find was perhaps one of two interesting possibilities ~~~

    In the first High Noon photo-scene depicted below is a character actor just behind Gary Cooper who is wearing a hat very similar to the one I now have. And in the second High Noon photo-scene shown below is yet another character actor who is sitting camera/front at a card table just as actor Lloyd Bridges enters into the scene and who is wearing what now also appears to be the very same hat as the one I now own.

    Was it possible that two different character actors could wear the same hat in the same movie, I asked myself? Of course it was ~ and why not? All non-speaking "contract players" of that era (early 1950's) could be required to wear whatever wardrobe was given to them by the prop department at the time and for whatever (separate) scenes they might also be required to be in. Wardrobe duplications such as these would be impossible to detect and back then ~ who would even care? So, as far as I'm concerned, I now own a genuine piece of 'Movie Americana'.

    "High Noon" was not only a classic movie ~ but also a motion picture which John Wayne literally "hated" because of Gary Cooper's portrayal of a far less than "heroic" character.

    It's really the on-camera telephone call that Ethan places to the actual person who is 'said' to have authenticated this unusual looking Cavalry movie-sword ~ and who also just happens to be a personal friend of Ethan Wayne.

    When Ethan's friend verifies that the document actually does look like his "signature" (via photo phone) ~ but definitely is not consistent withanything else he also sees on the document (neither does he even remember ever authenticating this item) then the expression on the current owner's face is absolutely priceless. Obviously he is quite shocked because, as he says, he also has a number of other rare items "authenticated" by the same person who sold him this movie sword and bogus certificate.

    On the one hand I feel somewhat sympathetic towards this poor fellow. He looked "honest and genuine" enough to me as so many others do who 'honestly' believe they are buying something 'genuine' (and presumably valuable) ~ but then only to find out much later that they have become nothing more than just another unwitting pawn of someone else's cunning and greed.

    William Claude Fields Jr. (aka W.C.) ~ unfortunately had it right all along. Apparently there really is one born every minute. :wink_smile:

    Ethan Wayne did precisely what his father would have expected him to do on that Pawn Stars TV episode yesterday. Be polite, meticulously accurate and decisive in his evaluation about that "John Wayne sword" that poor fellow brought in to sell thinking it was real. Sure as hell looked "real" to me ~ but as we all now know, it was just another beautiful looking "fake". But perhaps even more shocking to the current owner of the sword was Ethan's proof that even the "Certificate of Authenticity" itself was not only a fake ~ but also a forgery. :ops: Caveat Emptor.

    OMG ~ Reality Shows are all just "scripted"? So WTF is next? ~

    Are you also suggesting perhaps that programs such as "American Idol" and "America's Got Talent" may also be "rigged/scripted" for votes? ~ Godforbid ~

    But also pray tell, if you know ~ why does a program such as "Dual Survival" for one example, always and consistently portray their main charaters as being in 'emminent danger' for lack of food and water or usually all of the necessary elements for either making fire or suitable shelter or whatever ~ while just a few short feet/meters away is always the ever present camera and sound crew with candy bars ~ food and other cans of "life saving goodies" ready to jump in if and whenever the need arises for the 'refreshment' of these so-called TV "reality star" survivalists?

    My good forum friend Ringo ~ you have touched upon perhaps one of the most flagrant and mis-used forms of "capitalism" our supposedly erudite American citicenzry has ever discovered ~ Television and the Internet and the absolute gullibilty of what today is a very young American public who have yet to find out for themselves the true meaning of what America REALLY use to stand for and what it really still "should be" all about.

    I happened to have grown up in a time in American history when the sharing of "real personal sacrifice" not only meant the sustainablity of not just the family unit, but also the Country itself in which we all lived in . It was called WWII.

    IMHO ~ All of these so-called present day "Reality" TV Shows are no more than just that ~ Television "Shows" ~ made for profit and geared toward nothing more than simply the "entertainment" of a small portion of a gullible population of young Americans today that expect nothing more from life than just to be "entertained".