Posts from Gorch in thread „Duel at Diablo (1966)“

    This is a movie that I've seen maybe 50 times since its release in 1966, which averages out to almost once a year. I can't explain its appeal to me - it's certainly not a masterpiece. I just enjoy the characters, the military tactics, the action scenes, the cinematography and the music score. Like all my favorite movies, it's like visiting an old friend.
    It was a groundbreaker in that in the original novel, Toller (Sidney Poitier), was a white gambler, which makes this the one of first times a black actor was cast in a role that was racially neutral. Granted that Poitier had won best actor for director Ralph Nelson in 1963 for "Lilies of the Field" and perhaps was paying off a debt, but he is excellent. Garner, who also co-produced, played against his Maverick/Scrounger type as a tough as nails scout.
    Ace stunt man Richard Farnsworth is the wagon driver who snakes a bullwhip to an Apache's throat and Neil Summers is a trooper who catches an arrow in the back during the night infiltration. Another stuntman, Bill Hart, plays the unlucky Corporal Harrington. Hart was also one of Robert Ryans' posse in "The Wild Bunch". All three must have extensive filmographies on IMDB.
    If you haven't seen it, give it a couple hours in the dark.

    We deal in lead, friend.