Posts from Kevin in thread „My absence from the forum“


    Sorry to hear about your health issues, when it rains it pours! I hope to get back to your old self very soon! And hope to see you around these parts very soon.

    As for the forum issues, this happens whenever there is a upgrade, I'm sorry you're having issues with the new layout. We are working to address issues that was caused by the upgrade, and we'll continue to tweak the remaining issues.

    We were way overdue for this upgrade, and we needed to do this to get to the latest and securest version of the forum software. I was kicking this upgrade down the road for a while.

    If you have any questions about the forum then feel free to post it. There is a thread in the "Board News & Announcements" forum that you can post in, or feel free to PM any staffer and we'll help you out.

    Take care!
