Posts from Hawkswill in thread „John Wayne Picture Game #394“

    Well, I had a "teeth" response all ready, but I see Mr. Edwards has beat me to it............good for him. So......................

    HEE HEE HEE, mine all mine, told ya Old Groot was gonna win, didn't I tell 'em Mr. Dunsen? KEITH

    I could have sworn I wrote some for the last three or so, but I didn't see my name. I am either getting senile more rapidly than I thought or Mark is throwing my name away. JUST KIDDING..........don't anybody get upset, LOL! Guess I just MEANT to write something. OK, I will write myself a note on the calendar.......I PUT SOMETHING IN MARK'S GAME THIS WEEK #394. I LONG for the days when I didn't HAVE to write everything down!