Posts from Rooster52 in thread „New Forum layout looks nice!!“

    I also want to take this opportunity to thank you for providing the great resource you have here. Of any subject I have ever sought out, I can say, without exception, there is not anyone, anywhere, remotely close to being as informative, organized, and just loaded with factual abundance as what this forum has. It's really incredible and quite frankly impressive to pull up any film and see the list of actors, fun facts, reviews of the day and historical perspective for each of these films. The amount of dedication and skill to construct something so massive and yet design it so everything is so easy to navigate and read is just a crowning achievement. If there were such a thing as "forum of the year" I would demand this site get it for every category there is. You've done an exceptional job and I just want you to know it's abundantly clear to this set of eyes. I'm getting into more movies than i ever did before simply because I can read through all of them and get excellent context along the way. So thank you for making me a bigger fan than I already was. If John Wayne were alive to see this he would no doubt give you a big smile and a warm pat of the back. " Job well done, pilgrim."