Posts from Senta in thread „John Ford“

    Watched John Ford and American West last night and became very exited! What a fine documentary. Again want to see some of never seen Ford's movies.
    Haven't anybody here bought Ford collection which was released along with Ford-Wayne collection. No comments was here about that.

    I received notification from that two Fords collection will be released for Region 2. The first (1 October) will include How Green was my Valley, Grapes of Wrath, Horse Soldiers and My Darling Clementine. The second will be released in November, but it is no information about the titles. Also there is no information about new features. Will they have any? May be someone here know more about that.
    Hope second collection will have some of Ford silent movies with Harry Carey Sr. It's my dream to see just one of them.

    Received my box yesterday at last. Great set! Watched Searchers - beautifully restored. Some colors became little different from the version we used to.
    Senta :rolleyes:

    Hi all,
    My are also on the way - already shipped, but not arrived of course, from Amazon too. And I'm too very exited about receiving them.
    Only one film I haven't seen yet - The Wings of Eagles. But there is great documentary and newly remastered versions of my beloved films.
    Vera :rolleyes:

    Hi Jim and Carl,
    All will be available separatly - Searchers even in two different ways. All are in the main DVD sites - Amazon, Movies Unlimited and Deep D (the last one I never used myself, but it seems it is the most popular among the members).
    We are descussing that collectins for a long time in other threads. Haven't you seen. There are all links there.
    Senta :rolleyes:

    I have prodered Collection from Amazon.

    What interests me - if it will be the full 2-disk edition of The Serchers or not. I saw seperatly it goes with the booklet.