Posts from Robbie in thread „The Passion Of Christ“

    Hi Chisum and Jen

    Hope my post above didn't annoy you or anyone else my point is simply that I don't understand when countries like the UK and the USA are constantly portrayed in an negative light simply because some star wants to make a statement usually to boost his or her ego.



    Originally posted by Chisum@Feb 28 2004, 07:40 PM
    Gee Robbie, being an American has its benefits. Everyone loves us and always portrays us as a positive role model for the rest of the world to look up to and love. Having no enemies just spoils us to death. Besides Gibson can you think of anyone else who has an axe to grind against the British? Maybe Mr. Bean?


    I wouldn't say everyone loves you yanks as there have been many anti-American movies portraying the country in a very negative light. Being pround of your country is no longer all that common. Mr. Bean however is cool and a true Brit especially the actor who plays him!


    I to have not seen the movie but it has been accused of directing blame towards one section in particular. If this is true I would not be surprised because Gibson has a track record of this his portrayal of British people in both Braveheart and The patriot were simplistic, stupid,atrocious, false and offensive.
