Posts from itdo in thread „I will have to reduce the time I can spend here“

    Just wanted to let you know that after a year on this board and having fun with many, many topics, I will have to reduce the time I can spend here. I'm going new ways professionally, going freelance in the TV field, producing commercials with some partners (I have been an employee in the media field for 15 years now, time to see if I can live off it). And there's also a Hollywood thing that seems to be developing - but you really never know about these things for sure. But I'll have to focus on that new adventure and use the little time I have left for all kind of chores. I'll be around though, from time to time. Please keep me posted if I might miss something important.
    Just now, I come back from furnishing our new offices and finding the right spot for a huge film poster I'm about to put there. You take a wild guess which actor's on that poster!
    So long for now, and happy trails!