Posts from smokey in thread „Stories Of The Old Southwest“

    hi chillbill

    thanks for letting me know that about your grandparents, and isn't it sad that to begin with you granmother had to hide who she was then, not to make light of it, it became the IN thing to have native american in your family history. don't it make you proud that today you don't have to hide who you are. was telling my parents about you today (we were talking about the chillie) and they were interested in where you live and now i can tell them isn't this board grand

    cheers smokey

    hi chillbill

    great reading about your family though one thing did cross my mind was it your great granfather who was white or the other way round as you didnt explain how you got indian into the family. its a pitty that your granmother had to use powder to whiten her skin did she continue to do this as she got older or did she give this practice up?

    cheers smokey