Posts from Jay J. Foraker in thread „Welcome, New Members!“

    Welcome Rupert to the JWMB, where you'll find a lot of friendly folks, all interested in Duke. We're getting a good group of people from the British Isles which just goes to show that John Wayne and his values are truly universal.
    Cheers - Jay :D

    Great to have you aboard, Sparky - Welcome to the JWMB. If you have been around for a couple of years, you're actually the old guy and I'm the novice. You know by now what a fun and informative place this is, so stick around and don't be a stranger.
    Cheers - Jay :D

    Hi Dexter and Fayso1332 - May I extend a hearty welcome to the JWMB to you both. I've been here for almost a year and a half and have had a lot of fun as well as gaining more info on the Duke (and other related topics). Hope you stick around and help make this active board even more lively.
    Cheers - Jay :D

    A great big welcome to you, Senta, to the John Wayne Message Board. It looks like you're our first Russian member, so this board is really taking on an international flavor. You'll find a lot of friendly folks around here ready to answer questions or to just communicate with you. Stick around and come often.
    Cheers - Jay :D


    Originally posted by BenFerko@Feb 2 2005, 05:39 PM
    It's getting pretty strange out there these days. Who knows what they're teaching about the Alamo these days. (Re-writing history, and making it theirstory. Ha,ha)


    Hi Ben -

    You're right! With all the historical rewrites, who knows what will be the final accepted "truth." The history of the battle of the Alamo has undergone a number of changes over the years, including nods toward "political correctness."
    There was a complaint in the papers a few weeks ago (letters to the editor) from someone, not a native Texan, about having to do a "Pledge of Allegiance to Texas" in schools and wondered why a state should have such a thing. Apparently, the writer didn't realize that Texas was a Republic, an independent country unto itself for a few years before it became a state and this pledge is a result of that time.

    Cheers - Jay ^^


    Originally posted by BenFerko@Feb 2 2005, 11:40 AM

    How long have you been members here and what age group am I addressing. Thanks - Ben


    Hi Ben -

    You'll find all age groups, guys & gals, from all over the world on this message board, especially from England and Australia, as well as other countries, besides the good ol' U.S. of A.
    I am 62 myself, from San Antonio, TX ("Remember the Alamo"). I browsed this message board for about 4 weeks before becoming a member and was really facinated with all the information found here from fans of the Duke. Keep browsing yourself - this board is very enlightening!

    Cheers - Jay :D

    Welcome BenFerko to the John Wayne Message Board. Looks like I'm the first to directly congratulate you on becoming a member. I've been a member only since mid-November, but have already had a very enjoyable time here. I'm sure you will also find lots to enlighten you about the Duke and much more besides.

    Cheers - Jay :D

    Hi SXViper, chester7777 and Ringo Kid. Thanks for the warm welcome. I'm a FNG (fairly new guy) to this internet business, so I'm kinda feeling my way along as I go.
    Chester - I didn't find this site until after the rodeo happened, though I read about it a lot on this site. I've spotted Dean Smith in several of the Duke's movies, especially El Dorado where he is done in by James Caan in the cantina.
    Ringo - Yes, I'm familiar with the Antiques Mall - my wife was an avid antiquer until she became bedridden a few years ago, so I visited a lot in the '90s.
    I'm looking forward to interrelating with you folks and all the rest. Have a great day.

    Hi Everybody -

    I'm a newbie, as everybody can see. Can't stay long for now - just to let you know I'm a born and raised and lifelong resident of San Antonio, TX, so the Duke had strong ties here. I understand that another San Antonian was a good friend of Duke's - Big John Hamilton - who appeared in a number of his pictures. I have been looking over this site for a little over a week and found such a lot of fascinating information that I had to register.
    Am looking forward to interrelating with the group.
    Have a good day all!