Posts from SXViper in thread „Welcome, New Members!“

    I am not a new member but I have been absent for a time. Moving into the new house and all the related fun that goes with that has kept us quite busy. I do head down to Atlanta in Octber for 3 weeks so that will be my vacation for the year, even though it's for work. See ya around.

    schnapp, welcome to the board. Good to see another Minnesotan here. Any questions just ask, this is a very knowledgable group and they can answer just about everything you might have a question about John Wayne. Good luck in getting all the John Wayne movies, I have been at it for about 10 years now and I have about 10-20 left of the ones that have been released.

    Yeah, I blame him for my Duke "affliction".... And yes he is a big John Wayne fan. We went to the 100th celebration a couple years ago as well. He retired last fall, my mom and him bought a place on a lake near Alexandria. So they have been spending alot of time up there so far this year. I was in to Fleet Farm awhile back, bought a Carhart stocking cap, I was heading out pheasent hunting with my little brother, Trent.

    I have a couple favorite Duke movies. In no particular order they are Rio Bravo, The Searchers, and She Wore a Yellow Ribbon. I guess you could say I like the earlier films more then the later one's. Although I like many of them as well.

    Talk to you later, Todd

    I don't recall a Tim Weaver but that doesn't mean anything :teeth_smile: I haven't lived in Albert Lea since 1991. I have been there the last 3 weekends though....hehehe. Darn birthdays, confirmations and graduations!!

    My dad worked for the city on the street dept up till last October and then retired, his name is Dean Wangen. I am his oldest son, Todd. My wife grew up just south of Clarks Grove and her dad is Dennis Jensen. He has a gravel buisness and does grading and hauling. That is probably enough info to get me in trouble, I am sure you will recognize 1 of those names :shades_smile:

    Coach3, welcome to the site. Glad you found Chester and the other's in Winterset. I see you are from Albert Lea......Well that is my home town. I now live in Plainview, which is NW of Rochester. Most of my family live in Albert Lea or the surrounding area. I am alittle younger then you, 42 soon to be 43, my dad got me started on Duke when I was young. We were down in Winterset for the 100th B-Day celebration a couple years ago. See you around........ :)