Posts from Kevin in thread „Messageboard Problems“

    Popol Vuh,

    Your correct, what little ad $ goes to to go towards the month cost of hosting the site. I certainly don't make money on this site, but I do get the satisfaction, and pleasure (as anyone would out of a hobby) in maintaining this site. ;)

    Hi Robbie,

    I can't say that this couldn't happen again, but I did move the database to another server. Prior to this problem, I had the dukewayne database on a non-production server, now it's on the server I use for commercial clients. The non-production server had a hardware failure which caused the loss of data here.

    Plus, the site back up has been changed from weekly, to nightly, so I should have access to a back up of this site that is no more that 24 hours old.

    When I found out what happened I was sick :dead: . In fact I turned off my PC and went straight to bed.