Thank You (1925)

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    George O'Brien

    Information from IMDb

    Plot Summary
    The wild behavior of Kenneth Jamieson (George O'Brien) has finally gone too far
    and his millionaire father (George Fawcett) hands him a small allowance
    and sends him to live on a chicken farm in the tiny hamlet of Dedham.
    The pastor there, David Lee (Alec B. Francis), is an old friend of Jamieson's.
    Lee is ill-appreciated by his parishioners, and when his niece Diane (Jacqueline Logan)
    arrives from France in all her sophisticated Parisian finery, they are scandalised.
    Kenneth, on the other hand, is thrilled, and they strike up a romance.
    Lee is underpaid, but when he asks for more money from his parishioners
    they insist they will reduce his stipend unless Diane goes. One of the town's gossips,
    Mrs. Jones (Edith Bostwick), lets Kenneth's father know about Diane and he comes
    to Dedham to separate the couple. Diane, however, easily wins him over.
    Lee is discovered to be missing, and he is found collapsed in the church.
    The elder Jamieson gives the townsfolk a severe verbal thrashing
    for the way they have treated their pastor. Lee is nursed back to health and gets his raise,
    while Kenneth and Diane become engaged

    Full Cast
    Alec B. Francis ... David Lee
    Jacqueline Logan ... Diane Lee
    George O'Brien ... Kenneth Jamieson
    J. Farrell MacDonald ... Andy
    George Fawcett ... Cornelius Jamieson
    Cyril Chadwick ... Mr. Jones
    Edith Bostwick ... Mrs. Jones
    Marion Harlan ... Milly Jones
    Vivia Ogden ... Miss Blodgett
    James Neill ... Doctor Cobb
    Billy Rinaldi ... Sweet, Jr.
    Aileen Manning ... Hannah
    Maurice Murphy ... Willie Jones
    Robert Milasch ... Sweet, Sr.
    Ida Moore ... Gossiping Woman
    Frankie Bailey ... Gossiping Man
    William Courtright ... Minor Role (uncredited)
    Richard Cummings ... Minor Role (uncredited)
    Mark Fenton ... Gossiping Man (uncredited)
    Jack Ganzhorn ... Gossiping Man (uncredited)
    Tommy Hicks ... Fat kid (uncredited)
    Lillian Lawrence ... Gossiping Woman (uncredited)
    Francis Powers ... Gossiping Man (uncredited)

    Writing Credits
    Tom Cushing play "Thank You, A Play in Three Acts"
    Frances Marion
    Winchell Smith play "Thank You, A Play in Three Acts"

    George Schneiderman

    Best Wishes
    London- England

    Edited 2 times, last by ethanedwards ().

  • Thank You is a 1925 American comedy film,
    Starring Alec B. Francis, Jacqueline Logan,
    George O'Brien
    and J. Farrell MacDonald
    The film is considered to be lost.

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • Young Kenneth Jamieson's millionaire father, fed up with his son's wild escapades, sends him to stay on a chicken farm in the small village of Dedham. On the day he arrives there pretty Diane Lee, the niece of local Rev. David Lee, arrives from Paris. A few days later Kenneth, reverting back to his wild ways, gets drunk and makes a spectacle of himself, but rather than reproving him, Rev. Lee gives him a heart-to-heart talk and gets Kenneth to turn his life around. Meanwhile, the reverend--barely able to get by on the pittance the local vestrymen pay him--asks for a raise but is denied it, being told that he must send Diane away before they'll even consider giving him any extra money. Soon afterward Kenneth falls gravely ill. His father, hearing of Kenneth's condition and of his infatuation with Diane, arrives at the village to see his son and isn't ready for what he finds.