There are 32 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 40,352 times. The latest Post () was by ethanedwards.

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  • Gorch,
    I couldn't agree more.
    I grew up watching all these sorts of films and loved them. I had no idea, nor did most people, of his private life and to be honest it should not be the focus on anyone's bio, let alone for such a big movie star.

    My Mom found out about Rock many years before she told me. She was staying at some mansion pretty close to another one while she was scoring a professional golf tournament. Rock had a huge male only party and it spilled out into the yard. There was no question. She knew he was one of my favorites and never told me until I had gotten out of the "hero worship" stage. She and I still watched and enjoyed his movies. Never once did I think about that fact while watching them, and I don't think she did either.


    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • and I are in total agreement about the only thing "homosexual" in the movie WAS TB, and that was strictly off-screen.

    I watched it again, and never saw anything even resembling a gay connection.

    Heh heh, the only thing ive ever read--that Duke ever mentioned (allegedly) that had anything to do with guys liking guys wass allegedly he said something about Rock Hudson being in The Undefeated. I cant remember his alleged words but something about a "fa____ working on the movie." or somehting of that nature? Other than that one alleged possibility--ive never been told-read or seen Duke mention anything like that before?

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Carl...he never said anything about Rock. The comment was made about Monty Clift, and it was along the lines of one of the stuntman coming up to JW on one the first days of filming, and saying (supposedly): "You know he's a f**, right Duke?!"

    To which JW replied: "I don't care if he IS a f**, the son-of-a-bitch can act!"

    According to everything I've read, and even been told by folks who knew JW or worked with him, said that he knew about Rock, but couldn't care less. Like always, it was all about the WORK.

  • Carl...he never said anything about Rock. The comment was made about Monty Clift, and it was along the lines of one of the stuntman coming up to JW on one the first days of filming, and saying (supposedly): "You know he's a f**, right Duke?!"

    To which JW replied: "I don't care if he IS a f**, the son-of-a-bitch can act!"

    According to everything I've read, and even been told by folks who knew JW or worked with him, said that he knew about Rock, but couldn't care less. Like always, it was all about the WORK.

    Hi T/ thanks for that info. I just couldnt recall what exactly was said but--I also figure that when I read something like that? that someone who seems to be jealous of Duke--wanted to smear his good name.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • A few years ago I meet Lee Meriwether at a John Wayne seminar at USC.
    When ask how Duke and Rock got along. She stated she had a party after filming for a day at her room. Well Duke and Rock not only got along great but they got drunk together and had to hold each other up walking back to their rooms. What Duke did not understand was how a good looking ladys man could be gay. I don't think Duke used the word gay.

    ''baby sister i was born game and intend to go out that way.''