Wild Women (1918)

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    Plot Summary
    Cheyenne Harry (Carey) and his pals, bent on helping their friend Rawhide Jack,
    attend a rodeo with the intent to win the prize for roping steers
    and to hand the winnings over to Jack. Harry is the successful winner
    and after the rodeo the boys go to a cafe where they imbibe too freely
    in the flowing wine and fall asleep.
    Harry finds himself robbed and with the others shanghaied and aboard a ship.
    They mutiny and Harry becomes the captain.
    A shipboard fire results in them landing on a desert island,
    where the Queen (Mattox) of the Blackanwhites falls in love with Harry.
    He dodges her and runs off with her daughter the Princess (Malone).
    Just as he starts making love to her, he awakens from a dream,
    the product of Harry's legendarily prodigious drinking,
    and discovers that he is holding one of the sleeping cowboys.

    Harry Carey ... Cheyenne Harry
    Molly Malone ... The Princess
    Martha Mattox ... The Queen
    Ed Jones ... Pelon (as Edward Jones)
    Vester Pegg ... Pegg
    E. Van Beaver ... The Boss
    Wilton Taylor ... Slugger Joe (as Wilfred Taylor)

    John Ford ... (as Jack Ford)

    Writing Credits
    Harry Carey ... (story)
    John Ford ... (story)
    George Hively ... (writer)

    Harry Carey

    John W. Brown
    Ben F. Reynolds

    Best Wishes
    London- England

    Edited 10 times, last by ethanedwards ().

  • Wild Women is a 1918 American comedy western film directed by John Ford
    and featuring Harry Carey.

    The film is considered to be lost.

    A Cheyenne Harry, once again not only starring and produced by Harry Carey,
    but also co-written by him and John Ford.
    Once again paired with love interest Ford regular Molly Malone

    User Review

    Wild Women (1918) - Still Lost
    29 May 2016 | by Pamela Short (Canada)

    In order to raise money for one of the cowpunchers whose wife is in need of a costly operation, Cheyenne Harry ( Harry Carey ) convinces the cowboys of the Circle-L Ranch to take part in a San Francisco rodeo. After winning most of the prizes, Harry and the boys visit a Hawaiian-style cabaret to celebrate.

    Several Honolulu cocktails each finally prove too much for the cowboys, and even the gyrations of the grass-clad hula dancers cannot keep them awake. Harry dreams that he and his companions have been shanghaied and forced to scrub the deck. When the crew mutinies, Harry is cast ashore on an island, where he so enchants the Hawaiian queen ( Martha Mattox ) that she decides to marry him. Harry manages to elude the aging queen and is about to embrace the young and pretty princess ( Molly Malone ) when he wakes up. Swearing off Hawaiian cocktails, Harry and the cowboys return to the ranch.

    This 1918 silent western/comedy was directed by John Ford and starred Harry Carey. At the time of it's release, some city and state film censorship boards cut out the three first scenes of the young woman dancing on the stage and two close-ups of young woman dancing on a table. Tragically, Wild Women still remains a lost silent film.

    Best Wishes
    London- England

    Edited 11 times, last by ethanedwards ().