Posts from chester7777 in thread „Thanksgiving“

    Added some new holiday themed smilies to our smilie collection.

    I am thankful that Kevin added new holiday smilies! And I rushed right over here to use the best one for today . . . and see that Kevin beat me to it :cry2: . . . (OK, somebody call the wa-a-a-a-a-ah-mbulance!).

    Just being silly!

    :thanksgiving: (we've got a few hours to go 'til our feast. The turkey's not even in the oven yet, here on the West Coast!)

    We wish everybody a wonderful day, hoping you are with family and/or friends.

    Mrs. C :angel1:

    Well, it's still Thanksgiving!

    We mostly had a nice day - good food, good to see family and share the meal, thankful to be living in a free country - but we learned this morning that a friend was killed in a car crash last night, by a hit-and-run drunk driver. A sweet man who would give you the shirt off his back, a big man, a good friend. His wife is devastated, as you might imagine. They don't have children, but there are other dependent family members, so this will be a very hard time for her. By God's grace, the Mrs. had cooked a turkey yesterday and was also cooking one today when we heard. She had made two each of a couple of different kinds of pies, and had all the stuff from yesterday's turkey to make gravy, so we were able to take at least part of a Thanksgiving dinner to them. They were on their way to the supermarket last night when they were hit.

    Anyway, it put a real damper on the day . . . .

    It was good to come here this evening and see folks' good thoughts for the day!

    Chester :newyear:

    Thanks GT for bringing this thread back in a very tjmely manner, and to all our friends out there, may you all have a very Happy Thanksgiving ! ! !

    Chester :newyear: and the Mrs. :angel1:


    to all (who celebrate it :rolleyes: ).

    Like Hondo, we are thankful for many things - our family, our home, the creature comforts we enjoy, and we are also thankful for having met so many of you via this message board. How blessed we are, in so many ways!

    Stumpy, we too are sad to hear of the loss of your son's wife.

    We will be leaving at 0'dark-thirty tomorrow to go visit friends for the rest of the
    weekend, and won't be back until possibly late Sunday night.

    Have a great weekend, everybody!

    Chester :newyear: and the Mrs. :angel1: