Posts from chester7777 in thread „How About A Definative Listing For All“


    While your enthusiasm is certainly to be admired, I feel that a lot of what you want to do has already been done on other sites, which are designed to be inclusive of all westerns. To do that here on a web site specifically dedicated to a particular movie star, aka John Wayne :D , I think might detract from our focus. If we started doing it for Westerns, why not war movies? Or why not romantic movies? The list is almost endless. I think that the Pals in the Saddle forum is a good idea, but that too can be taken off to infinity. My own personal feeling is that currently this message board is doing a pretty darn good job of pursuing our primary mission, keeping the memory of John Wayne alive and well. Again, this is just my own personal opinion.

    Chester :newyear:


    Les Adams, who is a fairly new member around these parts, but "older than dirt" (by his own admission :D ) is a real expert in this field. He has written a book called Shoot 'Em Ups, which is now out of print but available from used book dealers and online in such places as (a favorite of Stumpy's). This book has a very good listing of old time cowboys, and the shows they were in. A web site that Les recommends is The Old Corral. I think you'll be pleased with the information you'll get there.

    Chester :newyear: