Posts from The Ringo Kid in thread „Newbie“

    :cowboy: Hello Banshee and welcome to these nice forums. I was lucky to find this site a few months ago and I liked it very much from the get-go. Since first coming here, I have "met" several of these great folks who are on this site and have enjoyed reading their postings about such a great person as The Duke himself.

    It has never been a secret to those who know me, at how much of a fan I am of John Wayne and his movies. It is also something I will always be proud of. IMO, I have never enjoyed any other actor's works as much as I have of John Wayne's movies.

    One thing I greatly regret is, that I never had seen him on the big screen. The only chance I had was when The Shootist was released. My parents dropped me off at the theater, I tried to get in but they would not allow me in to see that movie without an adult. So, I watched what was playing on screen Nr 2 instead.
