Posts from Stumpy in thread „Duke's Filmography- Past Discussion (Archive)“

    If you've seen a good filmography of films made in the Thirties and Forties, Vera, you'll find that many of them were given two titles.


    Originally posted by ejgreen77@Aug 3 2005, 09:18 PM

    I'm afraid my (admittedly) weird sense of humor may have thrown you off a little. Just for the record, my comment was intended as a bit of lighthearted sarcasm, and I'm sorry if it was misunderstood. I was just saying that you are ultimately right, and that it's something that (in the grand scheme of life) is probably pretty silly. But, I do enjoy films and film history, it is a particular hobby, pleasure, and pastime of mine. So, I carry on conversations like this one simply because I enjoy it.

    And as far as making Duke out to be some sort of a god, as you say, he’d be the first to reject such an idea. And I would be second. One of the things that I like about Duke was that he was most definitely NOT a god. Both on and off screen, he made mistakes and wasn't afraid to admit to making them.

    I wasn't criticizing you, EJ. In fact, your posts have in no way suggested the ridiculously worshipful adulation for Duke that some do. So please forgive me if I sounded critical toward you.

    It's just that I think all this worrying about Duke's film appearances during his early career or which TV appearances he may or may not have made is much ado about nothing and in a sense, a reinvention of the wheel. What I mean is - there's no shortage of Wayne filmographies already published.


    Originally posted by ejgreen77@Jul 31 2005, 01:37 PM
    Stumpy, What!!! You should know that a true film purist like me lives for these things. (Ha Ha!)

    I know it’s impolite to ridicule other peoples’ deeply-held beliefs but I’m a plain-spoken fellow and have always believed in saying what I mean and meaning what I say. So let me just say this; there are people on this board, and everyone knows who they are, who obviously believe that John Wayne was some sort of demigod. He wasn’t. He was a flesh-and-blood human being with all the vices and virtues of other human beings. Just because all of us like his films and the image of strength, dignity and courage he projected does not mean that we must establish a cult dedicated to the Great God Duke. He’d be the first to reject such an idea.

    Perhaps we should suggest to Kevin that he post a shrine page so that those who visit the site and who worship the Man can genuflect every time they come aboard.

    Now I'll sit back and wait for the incoming. ;)


    Originally posted by ethanedwards@Jul 27 2005, 07:46 AM
    the early ones, which Duke may or not have been in,

    I'm curious, Keith. You say, and I quote: "which Duke may or not have been in".
    If Duke did not, in fact, appear in some of the films you list, then why in the world would you want to include them in what is purportedly a list of "Duke" films?

    Most of Duke's filmographies include many or even most of the titles you list in the preceding post but some of those titles I've never heard of in connection with Duke. What is the source of your information in that post?