Posts from Hondo Duke Lane in thread „Grama's Last Wish - Help!“

    I have the movie, and I heard the hymn. I know the song, but cannot tell you the title.

    It starts out, "I walk in the garden alone" and the chorus is, "and he walks with me, and he talks with me ...."

    Help me with the title! I will have to break in my church and get a book out to see the title. Hope this helps. Someone get the title.

    Cheers B)


    I too am sorry about your grandmother, and pray for comfort for all of you in this time of need. Could you tell us if the movie you are talking about is in color or black and white? this could narrow the choice to a time period.

    We welcome you to this message board and sorry that you came with the circumstances you are going through right now.

    Cheers Hondo B)