Posts from Hawkswill in thread „What Was The Last Western You Watched?“

    Yellowstone Kelly. Although I have always liked Clint as an actor and loved his voice....all he really has to do is just stand there for me! Of course, the taking off of the shirt helps greatly, also. Loved this little movie. TP, KEITH

    Thanks Ladyhawk, I can always rely on you to give thoughtful answers to things. I'll check the blu ray too to see if there are any extras on it.


    Yep, it has the ones that I mentioned plus a running commentary of the movie by Rydell. It is excellent. Would love to hear more commentaries by him on ANY movie. There is a Deluxe Edition also that has stills. LH

    Well, Peter, if you DO watch it again, don't skip past the Overture, although it means a LOT more after you have watched it a couple of times. Also, pay attention to how the character of each boy is mapped out at the beginning and grows and morphs into something akin to "little Men" who have learned so much about the job they are doing, the men who are teaching them and life in general. Only two of the boys you don't REALLY get to know, they are Jim and Steve. The rest become almost like family. And Duke and Roscoe were excellent. You tend to keep your eyes on Duke, but look around him at the boys working the herd. They ARE the actors, the majority of the time...also when tearing through dense woods on horseback. Watch carefully when Hardy, the smallest, ropes his calf and pulls him down....that is really the actor Clay O'Brien all the way. Rydell makes sure that most of the action scenes are close enough so that you can see the child's face.

    But mostly enjoy it for the wonderful movie it became with Duke's help but Mark Rydell's hand, (yep, he had to call Duke down a time or two, LOL). And it was great to see that Duke appreciated Clay's talent as both an actor and horseman as he called for him to be in another movie with him the next year, Cahill, US Marshall. I saw The Cowboys once on a DVD with a commentary on it of how they made the movie, and then the boy actors getting together and discussing it later. Perhaps you appreciate it more after seeing it. Read this about the BlueRay: Anyway, the commentary showed how the young rodeo stars taught the actors and the actors helped the "cowboys". When they get together after the movie and talk about it and Duke, well, made ME cry, but then we all know that I cry a good bit in the sad, or the happy parts if done well. Not only do the boys grow but Wil Anderson does too with the help of Mr. Nightlinger. When he buries Charlie, there are tears in his eyes. They are there also as he is dying and talks to the boys. My take is that he didn't have to use glycerin or whatever they used back then.

    I loved this when I watched it on the big screen for the first time. But, it gets better every time I see it. I keep finding things I hadn't seen before since I have learned to take my eyes OFF of Duke a lot....pretty hard to do, LOL.......kind of like the symbolic eagle in The Shootist. No wonder no one ever saw it or connected it....there was our DUKE lying dead with Gillum's coat over him. All eyes were there. As I have said before, I like to think of Duke and Ward looking down and saying, about time you picked up on the patriotism bit I gave you!

    Some commentators have stated that it is possible that Duke thought this might be his last movie because of the health issues he had been having. I believe this to be true and I thought the same about The Shootist. No one knows but Duke, not even his children knew what was really in his mind.

    Hope you enjoy it Peter. But give it a it more than once. Some of Duke's best movies take a second, third or even fourth viewing to really appreciate them....that is because of their complexity, and the nature of the viewer to pay strict attention to what Duke is doing. But, of course you KNOW that already, LOL. KEITH

    Ladyhawk you really do put a strong case forward! I must watch this again and see if I can get into it!

    THE COWBOYS What a super movie. Those kids did the majority of their riding and stunts...still amazed, and not only do I watch it a lot, but do a great deal of rough riding, also. And I never really realized that Clay, (the tiny one that became the World Champion Roper), had his older brother, Sam in there with him...he is Jimmy. Not sure which is Jim and which is Steve, anybody know? One had really dark hair. I am thinking that must be Steve?

    I think the Score is tremendous. I sometimes just put the Overture on while working on the net. Love that Vivaldi piece and almost have it learned on the guitar.

    The one I felt sorry for the most was Ann, Wil's wife. The short interaction we saw between the two was one of the best I have seen. All she wanted was him back home and a string of blue beads.

    Still have a hard time watching anything with Bruce Dern in it although I know that is not fair.....boy did he do one heck of a job. KEITH

    Strange, no one commented on this, wonder if anyone read it? It was featured in a couple of the better known western blogs besides being on John's own blog which anyone who studies the old films should be subscribed to. Also, his archives on there are a thing to be treasured. John bought his first film while in his early teens out in the NC mountain woods from a well hidden barn....the seller showed it on a screen in the woods! KEITH

    Here is a great article on Man Without a Star with Kirk Douglas by my friend John McElwee, long time noted film historian. Has many pictures but also talks not only of the movie but the details behind the money "split" for Kirk, the director etc. Very interesting.......think I would like to see the movie. Any thoughts on it? Thanks, Keith

    Funny, received my copy of that movie in the mail yesterday. Going to watch it this evening. Did you enjoy it?

    Latest western I saw was Red Sun last night. A great, funny and unusual western. One of Bronson's finest.

    Hi Hondo Apache, don't remember talking to you before, but then I Do forget. Haven't seen Apache either, must look into that. Have seen Red Sun and thought it was really good....a departure from the norm and was quite funny in parts. Tell us what you thought after watching it. KEITH

    The Indian Fighter. Great looking guy though pretty dang small, Kirk Douglas.
    He was only about 5'8" but wore lifts in later pictures to make him about 5'11". I know he was only about 5'8" because he didn't wear the lifts when out for dinner. And when he came to dinner with Tony Martin and Cyd, we invited them to sit with us at Jack London's in the Springs, (Tony was a great friend of Gibbons, and I had known him when he came to St. Louis before I took the golf pro job in the Springs.) Anyway, he found out I had the pro shop at Mission Hills and wanted to know if I had any size 28 waist golf slacks....I only had about 6 in the whole shop, but.......he came anyway. And guess what....although I was positive he would in no way fit into them, athough very trim........he did. After that, I ordered for him specially. Yep, Kirk really DID have a size 28 waist. Surprised to see he is still alive today at ninety five, I think. Saw pics of him this month serving food for the homeless. And still married to his wife of 58 years! Amazing, KEITH

    Pillars of the Sky. Long time no see. Was just a great as I had remembered. Aside from Lee's pitiful attempt at an Irish accent, it was great....even that part added a bit of fun to a movie wrought with pain.

    As usual Ward was my favorite, but he DID put in an almost scene stealing performance. Amazing how he just "morphed" into whatever character he was portraying, no matter what he was like in real life! And Terry Wilson was Cpt. Fanning. Although Ward did most of his horse riding, caught Terry doing a bit of doubling for him.

    Super movie for those who have not seen it. TP, KP

    Carl, super great post of the Man From Laramie. And my being a great Jimmy fan, can't wait to see this........may have seen it when I was movie going in my teens, but not sure. I will certainly appreciate it more now. Thanks for the "write up" on it. I think that is the way all the What Western and What Non-Western posts should be. Shouldn't just say what you watched...but put SOMETHING in them that tells about if you like them, a tiny bit about what they were like, etc. Great job Kiddo. Thanks for the shots put in for me. I got your CDs and the other present you sent me.....An oversize 8x10 of the cast of Duke's Alamo........this is the one I will use the curly Maple to build a frame for. I am already at work on the four CDs you sent, and hope to have one on Photobucket all ready to post tonight, so you can play with it tomorrow at the DQ! Your voice sounds MUCH better, and hope you ALL win at Bingo tonight. Just remember to blow the whistle instead of hollering...or you will lose what you have regained of your voice, LOL! KEITH

    Well, a "blink" is better than nothing!

    The Alamo ala Duke. Cried the whole last 40 minutes or so....WOMEN!
    Finally, I know what yall have been writing about and can put Bill and Larry's pictures together. Next time I watch it will be to begin spotting the stuntment. If anyone knows of a particular scene with one, please let me know. THIS is going to probably be the largest undertaking I have attempted! But, there are a whole bunch of Ford stock folks in there, so....forward Ho! KEITH TP

    Stagecoach again, getting ready to post my thing on the Group Watch. Wish some others would join in. So far, Mark is the only one who has posted and it has been 16 days since it began....

    Hard to find something to post that hasn't already been picked apart many times throughout the years.

    But, I think I have a good one, LOL. KEITH