Posts from chester7777 in thread „How's The Weather“

    Pretty pleasant around here the past few days - upper eighties to low nineties, but LOW humidity, so quite tolerable. I could have used a little breeze at the hot dog cart today, but overall it was pretty nice.

    And we get those wonderful cool nights! :biggrin: We run the fans overnight, blowing cool air into the house, then shut it up tight in the morning. It's almost like the house is air-conditioned.

    Chester :newyear:

    We went from crazy hot last week to unseasonably cool a couple of days ago . . . the sun never came out and the day's high was 72º F.

    But the sun is out again, so we should approach 90 today, with our very favorable overnight lows in the upper forties and low fifties.

    Mrs. C :angel1:

    Tuesday we had 96º F, Wednesday we had a high of 106º F, yesterday we hit 108º F, then we dropped to a relatively pleasant 91º F today. Our overnight lows have been in the upper 40s to low 50s (yeah, the temperature can go up 50º or more some days, all in the same day). It was pretty miserable yesterday :thumbs_down:.

    Mrs. C :angel1:

    Typical summer pattern around here - warm days (yesterday was 89º F) and cool nights (overnight low of 56º F). Yeah, I know it's not quite summer officially, but it is what it is. Not unusual to have morning overcast that burns off fairly early.

    Mrs. C :angel1:

    I am happy to report that the weather in Eagar was outstanding for most of the day. Cloudless sunrise, and clouds gathered during the day, with a quick smattering of rain showers late in the afternoon. Thankfully the clouds cooled things off, as did a nice wind. The day's high was 78º F.

    Chester :newyear:

    Here you go Chester...

    They just changed the weather for Winterset and took the rain forecast out of Friday's weather. Only a 60% chance for Saturday. By next week they could take it all out of the forecast.

    Thanks, DS, for that! :teeth_smile:

    The Mrs. is REALLY liking the look of the temperatures - the last time we celebrated Duke's birthday in Arizona, we were dealing with temps in the 90s (she does NOT like hot). We'll have to keep watching the forecast, and hope the showers drop out of the forecast - although a forecast of showers beats a forecast of rain.

    Chester :newyear:

    BTW, where do you get your forecast? I like how that looks.

    I couldn't figure out how to post the actual forecast from the weather web site, but says showers for the 26th, and says sunshine for the 26th, for Eagar, Arizona. Go figure! We'll check back in a few days for an updated forecast. Within 5 days, it should be more accurate.

    On the homefront, we were down to 42º F overnight (normal for our location, at this time of year), with yesterday's high being 86º F.

    Chester :newyear:

    We were hot earlier this week - 91º, 96º, 100º, down to 90º and cooling down to today's high of 88º (didn't feel that hot, though!). I hope that's not a harbinger of things to come - I DON'T like hot weather.:angry_smile:

    Mrs. C :angel1:

    What a difference a week makes around here, too. Last weekend it was raining like crazy. This weekend was sunny, with temps approaching 70º F during the day - a great weekend for selling hot dogs at Ye Olde Hot Dog Cart.

    Chester :newyear:

    Monday morning's rainfall was 1.4 inches for the weekend. Then we had more rain during the day, but we'll measure in the morning again.

    The temperature is dropping, so they are definitely calling for snow on nearby mountains, and maybe up to 3 feet of snow up at Lake Tahoe (a 5 hour drive from here).

    Chester :newyear:

    No snow here . . . well, actually, on Friday morning there was some on the higher peaks around here, but it melted in just a couple of hours.

    Saturday was mostly overcast, with rain coming in last night and on and off all through today.

    There's supposed to be more on the way tomorrow.

    Chester :newyear:

    We've been having great "hot dog cart" weather the past few days - sunny, moderate temperatures (well, it was kind of hot Saturday), but it looks like the temps are going to drop and we are expecting showers starting tomorrow, with rain forecasted through Thursday.

    Chester :newyear:

    Hey, Hey Hey! We saw some white stuff! :ohmy: You know it looks like southern cotton, and it floates in the air, and it melts into water. :stunned: You know what I am talking about. What is that Viper? Oh, it wasn't much. A few of them in the air with no view from a distance, but we had it. WHAT IS IT VIPER?

    Cheers :cool:

    To some, it might appear to be manna from heaven . . . .

    Chester :newyear:

    P.S. The Mrs. says we had another 0.7" of rain the other night, bringing the total for the seven day period almost 7 inches of rain.

    . . . I'll check the gauge in the morning and let y'all know . . .

    So the latest reading was 3.8 inches, and the total rainfall since last Wednesday was 5.95 inches.

    We got some pretty good rain this evening, so I'll be out there in the morning again, checking for the latest amount.

    Mrs. C :angel1:

    Well, we had a few days of rain, quite a bit, I think (I'll check the gauge in the morning and let y'all know), but today, even though showers had previously been forecasted, was sunny and beautiful!!

    Mrs. C :angel1:

    We've had cool nights, down in the lower thirties, and day time in the sixties, but tomorrow it's supposed to start a few days of rain (sorely needed around here).

    Chester :newyear: