Posts from SXViper in thread „How's The Weather“

    It was hot in Atlanta today as its been all week. Then this afternoon it rained and it looks like it will cool off. Just in time for me to leave tomorrow. Thank god I will be back in Minnesota and 80 F for a high!!!

    you are all welcome to have our cold weather and i will have your heat, cant wait for the warmer weather to arrive will feel more alive. hate the cold just a few nights ago we had 0C and there was snow falling in Stanthorpe about 3 hour drive from me, yes we do get snow in queensland sometimes

    hope bek didnt have to break the top of the water for her horse over the last few nights
    cheers smokey

    Oh how I long for those days smokey!!! Just about 3-4 months and we will be happily in the white gold once more!!!!

    Well guys, its even hot in Minne-snow-ta at this time of the year. Humid as well. Had some storm's roll through earlier today and they might even be to blame for the plane that crashed by Owatonna, MN that had 8 people on board. Pray for the familes as I am sure it's tough. Link

    Well to contrast our friends in Texas it has been raining and a high of upper 50's for the past couple days. Suppose to maybe get to the upper 60's later on this week.

    Well. we have the rain gt. And then some!!!

    They are even predicting 8-14 inches of snow in northern Minnesota tonight. It has been anything but warm this spring up here. I guess global warming looks kind of stupid now.

    raining again tonight. not too cool yet.

    dad has a cousin who lives in Canada who sent him some photos of the snow that they have had this year the first one it was as deep as his car was tall then they had a blizzard and the snow was the height of 2 cars boy what a lot of snow.
    cheers smokey

    That's my kind of weather. Snow is awesome!!!

    No snow, been nice to finally get into the 40's. No big warmups coming though.

    Last year at this time it was 81F here. Big difference in a year.

    We are at -8 F tonight and 18 F for a high. Suppose to warm up this weekend to 34F then back to lower 20's next week and snow. I am not ready for spring either Carl. Need a couple more weeks of winter to get a few more miles on the snowmobile!!

    Cold and snow here for the rest of the week and into the first part of next week. Just finished lubricating the snowmobile and adjusting things on it. Been nice that I have had a chance to use it this year. I plan on riding this weekend as well.

    Well, it was cold, really cold for about a week. Then yesterday it hit 42 F. Now we are back to 2 F and snow. Going to get to -12 F tonight and hopefully more snow on the way.

    Compared to Minnesota, our low temperatures are downright balmy, but for our area, we are among the coldest temps around, with the overnight low of 28º F. High is expected to be in the high fifties, low sixties, and lots of sunshine.

    Mrs. C :angel1:

    Northern MN is suppose to only get to a high of -15 F and lows of -30 F. I am not feeling so bad about my -5 F. Although my wife will beg to differ. She has poor circulation in here fingers and her fingers get ice cold this time of year.

    Maybe when we are older we will move to a warmer climate but I love the winter and most of all the 4 season's are very prominent and after being in San Diego for my naval career, I really missed that.

    We have the cold on the way, -5 F for high on Saturday is what they are predicting. We got about 2-3 inches of snow, we were suppose to get 4-9, guess the weather guy was smoking something.

    Well we got down to -10F last night. Suppose to get to only 0F tonight then the warmup comes, damn I hate warm temps in the winter. It only lasts 4 days then we go back to below freezing, I hope.