Posts from chester7777 in thread „How's The Weather“

    The storm blew in, and it is POURING. Too dark to read the rain guage yet, but it is wild and wooly out there right now!

    Happy that the power is still on,

    Mrs. C :angel1:

    I am basically just on the other side of the mountain from Chester and we are getting pounded by rain... all main streets are starting to be closed due to flooding. We still have power and all but can't get across town... Hope all is well with you Chester...

    Well, we lost power for the better part of the day Tuesday and into the night . . . it came back on around 2:15 AM this morning. I don't know about Morgan Hill, but we had around 10 inches of rain in 24 hours! Definitely some flooding issues around the San Francisco Bay area!

    Thanks, erthomp, for asking about us. We're doing just fine. We're thankful that we have a woodburning stove for heat, a gas stove in the kitchen for cooking (got to light it with a match, and with electronic thermostat, the oven doesn't work when the power's out), gas water heater (can shower by candle light!), and plenty of candles. Chester even made a little 12-volt extension cord that plugs into a car battery, and the kids were able to watch a movie on the portable DVD player. We also have a crank radio, so we could continue to listen to the news.

    Mrs. C :angel1:

    We're hunkered down in anticipation of a big storm that's supposed to come in overnight, and have very high winds and heavy rain. Hopefully, we won't lose power . . . (if you don't see us for a few days, that might be why).

    Mrs. C :angel1:

    The storm blew in, and it is POURING. Too dark to read the rain guage yet, but it is wild and wooly out there right now!

    Happy that the power is still on,

    Mrs. C :angel1:

    We're hunkered down in anticipation of a big storm that's supposed to come in overnight, and have very high winds and heavy rain. Hopefully, we won't lose power . . . (if you don't see us for a few days, that might be why).

    Mrs. C :angel1:

    well we are in a dust storm, it has traveled up from south aust closed sydney down nearly. everything has a red haze about it because the dust it the red dust from that area. hopefully it will pass by tomorrow. at one stage visablity was about 300 mts and the idiots were out on the road.

    cheers smokey

    I saw something on the news a couple of days ago about that, and was sure you must have been affected. Here are some amazing pictures - the one from space is incredible!

    smokey, I hope you guys are OK!!

    Mrs. C :angel1:

    Life ain't fair. You folks over there get too much rain and we Texans never get enough.

    I heard the Dallas-Fort Worth area was getting TONS of rain recently.

    In the past 2 weeks, we've had several days in the high nineties and even a couple around 100º . . . but cool nights (one night down in the forties), today was overcast and in the sixties, and a couple of hours ago - it started raining, and it's still raining (not heavy, but steady).

    Chester :newyear:

    We are now over 30 consecutive days with 104* or higher...

    I remember hearing similar reports over the years, of so MANY days with temps over 100º . . . and feeling that if I lived there, I would be in a serious state of depression (I HATE hot weather . . . I don't whine much in life, but when it gets hot, I whine . . . :cry2:).

    You folks in Texas are a special breed!

    Mrs. C :newyear:

    We were a little hot earlier in the week (NO complaints, I know you guys are cookin' in Texas), then it cooled down a little each day, and today we are uncharacteristically overcast.

    Mrs. C :angel1:

    In the San Francisco Bay area, there is a radio station, KGO 810 AM, which is a news/talk radio station. They have had the same weather man in the morning for many years, Leo Ciolino. Back in '94, the Mrs. called the radio station to volunteer to be one of Leo's many weather watchers, and has been doing it ever since. He calls her every morning during the week, and gets the overnight low temperature, the rainfall, the current morning conditions, and the high temp from the day before. Around here, everyone knows that Leo is VERY reliable with his forecasts - he often hears other weather forecasters changing their forecasts after he gives his :glare: .

    So if anyone wants to know what the currrent weather is at our house, just go to KGO-AM 810 - Listen Live and click on your preferred listening device, and around 8:38 AM Pacific Standard Time (that's GMT -8), you should hear Leo giving that information on the air - just listen for the stats from Ben Lomond.

    That's our little claim to fame around here.

    Well, our little claim to fame has come to an end . . . KGO has let Leo go . . . with nary a word of warning . . . :sad_smile:.

    As far as the weather goes - we had some rain today. Not much, but our Little League closing day has not had rain as long as anyone can remember! We had a Majors playoff game, which had appreciable rain at the beginning of two innings.

    But by noon, the rain had stopped, the sun came out and it was a beautiful day, probably around 80º!

    Mrs. C :angel1:

    We are continuing with very pleasant weather. Overcast mornings, but sunny afternoons, still mid-seventies to mid-eighties.

    And while we're talking about weather, I thought you might enjoy this weather-related joke -

    It was autumn, and the Indians on the remote reservation asked their new Chief if the winter was going to be cold or mild. Since he was an Indian Chief in a modern society, he had never been taught the old secrets and, when he looked at the sky, he couldn't tell what the weather was going to be.

    Nevertheless, to be on the safe side, he replied to his tribe that the winter was indeed going to be cold and that the members of the village should collect wood to be prepared. But also, being a practical leader, he decided to seek advice from experts.

    He went to the phone booth, called the National Weather Service and asked, "Is the coming winter going to be cold?"

    "It looks like this winter is going to be quite cold indeed," the meteorologist at the weather service responded.

    So the Chief went back to his people and told them to collect even more wood in order to be prepared.

    A week later he called the National Weather Service again. "Is it still going to be a cold winter?" he asked.

    "Yes," the man at the National Weather Service again replied, "it's going to be a very cold winter.

    The Chief again went back to his people and ordered them to collect every scrap of wood they could find.

    Two weeks later he called the National Weather Service again. "Are you absolutely sure that this winter is going to be very cold?" he asked for a third time.

    "Absolutely," the weatherman replied. "In fact, it's going to be one of the coldest winters ever!"

    "How can you be so sure?" the Chief asked.

    The weatherman replied, "The Indians are gathering wood like crazy."

    We've been having very favorable baseball weather lately . . . not too hot, not too cold . . . low to mid fifties at night, seventies to low eighties by day, even had some cloudy days (quite unusual for this time of year). Just been enjoying it!

    Mrs. C :angel1:

    We had about an inch of rain in the past 24 hours, and mostly cloudy skies today.

    We've had enough intermittent rain over the past few days to cause rained out games for our local Little League - a MOST unusual occurrence this late in the season.

    Hoping it's over for now . . . though we do need the rain . . .

    Mrs. C :angel1:

    We had crazy extremes this past week.

    Monday it was 100º, Tuesday it 'cooled' down to 95º, then the temps dropped to low seventies and Friday didn't go higher than 67º! Evenings have been windy and cold - bone-chilling cold on the Little League field!

    Personally, I'd much rather have the cooler weather :thumbs_up:.

    Mrs. C :angel1:

    PERFECT day for opening day for our local Little League!

    Sunny . . . pleasant temperatures most of the day, though it really cooled down by late afternoon.

    Mrs. C :angel1:

    P.S. Our son's team won their first game, 7-4!


    I hear the whole East Coast is getting hammered with snow today, from as far south as Georgia up into Maine (I'm thinking my parents are REAL glad they moved from NY to Florida!).

    We are getting rain. Yesterday was the third Sunday in a row with rain (my son's Little League practices on Sundays have been challenging, to say the least).

    We've had a little over a half inch of rain since last week, but it's comin' down pretty good right now, so that number will go up considerably before tomorrow morning.

    Mrs. C :angel1:

    We're coming out of a period of unseasonally warm temperatures into a cooling trend. We had almost an inch of rain today, with some more showers forecasted for the next few days, but I don't expect it will be enough to get us out of our drought.

    Mrs. C :angel1:

    Then the bottom will drop out of the thermometer. Highs this week are predicted to be -5F and lows -15F to -20F.

    All I can say is . . . BR-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r! Todd, it sounds like you need some of the snow that's falling other places, in large quantity!

    We hit 65 degrees today! Too warm for winter.

    Mrs. C :angel1:

    We've had sunny days with temps in the fifties and low sixties, and overnight temps in the thirties (a couple of times in the upper twenties).

    We could really use the rain, but there doesn't seem to be any in sight!

    Mrs. C :angel1: