Posts from chester7777 in thread „How's The Weather“

    Our overnight low was 25º F, with a daytime high of 46º F, lots of sunshine.

    Right now it is 33º F, clear and calm.

    I am loving our woodburning stove and my warm bathrobe!!

    Mrs. C :angel1:

    Foggy and 35º F this morning, but we went up to 62º F this sunny afternoon. Clear weather forecasted for tomorrow evening, when we will go for our annual trip for potluck dinner and train rides, complete with giant bonfire and huge pot of hot apple cider!

    Mrs. C :angel1:

    Cold & Chilly At least it feels like Christmas.

    Ain't that the truth??

    It's 12:30 AM right now, and it's clear and 32º, so I suspect it'll be even colder by morning. Either that, or the clouds will roll in and we might get rain. Either way, we are toasty warm with our wood-burning stove and a good supply of wood.

    Mrs. C :angel1:

    i wish i lived near a beach Mrs. C so i could take Yogi a walk on the sand + let him go in the sea.

    While there were a few dogs chasing balls and sticks in the water, the Pacific Ocean is pretty cold. Even in the summer, at least here in Northern California, the surfers wear wetsuits to keep warm.

    But living near the ocean is something I almost take for granted. Except for when I was away at college (a six-hour drive from the ocean), I have always lived within 30 minutes of an ocean beach. I love to hear the sound of the surf, and find it relaxing. I don't get to the beach nearly as much I'd like to, but I am happy when we get there.

    Weather-wise, today was a carbon copy of yesterday. Sunny and pleasantly cool.

    Mrs. C :angel1:

    Cold nights (down to 32º F last night) . . . .

    Mrs. C :angel1:

    Below 0 F for us at night.

    Todd, I guess you got a good laugh out of our "cold nights"!!

    Nothing cold about our day today, we went on a 10-mile beach hike with the Boy Scouts, and the temp at the coast was around 65º F and sunny. PERFECT for a hike, but not too Christmas-y feeling.

    Mrs. C :angel1:

    No sign of rain for us, which is kind of a bad thing, being that we are in a drought.

    Cold nights (down to 32º F last night). day time is mid-fifties to low sixties.

    Mrs. C :angel1:

    Yea, wind is the primary factor as to how bad a fire will be. This summer we had a couple fires near by, that, had the wind been blowing could have been as bad as what is happening down south. All the trees are pretty, but, have their negative side too.

    Chester :newyear:

    We've been in somewhat drought conditions the past couple of years, in that we've definitely had significantly lower than average rainfall.

    However, yesterday, the skies opened up and we had over 3½ inches of rain! The streets were practically running like a small river. It was also very windy, so we had several power outages throughout the day.

    Today? Mild and SUNNY, but with beautiful clouds gracing the blue skies!

    Mrs. C :angel1:

    The cold snap has caused sleet and snow showers across the UK since Tuesday.

    the weather here has been really weird this week - we have gone from rain, to hail, sleet and even a bit of snow - its been freezing cold at night but today was lovely - cold and sunny - just how i like

    What I heard is that tne snow in London (was there actually snow in London?) was a record-breaking event, having not happened in over 120 years.

    Areas not far from us had snow already. Snow in October! We are having temps in the 30's at night and topping in the 40's during the day.

    I'm beginning to think the global warming people are off their rocker.

    Ya think???

    Yeah . . . I do, too!

    Chester :newyear:

    Just to show you what a difference a few miles can make . . .

    We were working at a Boy Scout rummage sale close to home for part of the day, where the temperature probably got to around 85º F and very sunny.

    Around 2 PM, I took my son and grandson to a birthday party at the beach, about 10 miles from there. The fog was so thick you could hardly see the waves of the ocean (which was no more than 50 yards from the party tables) and the temperature was no more than 65º F (if it was that!).

    This morning, when the day started and we headed out for the rummage sale at 7 AM, it was in the low forties!

    Mrs. C :angel1:

    We dropped to an overnight low of 37º.
    Mrs. C :angel1:

    What a difference 24 hours make! Yesterday morning, I had the covers up to my eyebrows (we sleep with the window open). This morning was much warmer - 50º F! It will be interesting to see how much warmer it is during the day.

    Mrs. C :angel1:

    Last Friday, we had a little over half an inch of rain (yay!!).

    We've mostly had sunny, warm days with night time lows in the upper forties.

    The weather forecast for the next couple of days is cooling, with some windy conditions.

    As I type this, it is sunny with a few clouds, calm (no wind yet!), and 48º F.

    Mrs. C :angel1:

    We have been enjoying nearly perfect weather the past week. Lows in the forties at night, daytime highs ranging from high seventies to low nineties.

    Now . . . if we could just get some rain . . . it's been MONTHS, and before that, we definitely had a lower-than-average year.

    Chester :newyear:

    Seattle (in fact the whole Northwest U.S.) is known for its' notoriously rainy weather.

    Also days without sunshine. Where I went to college (Binghamton, NY), we were known as having cloudy days second only to Seattle, and some of the students literally went into a depression over it. Now I don't know if that cloudy day statistic is an official one or not, but personally I had no problem with the clouds. I like the sun, but I really like moderate temperatures.

    Here on the central coast, we are continuing with our typical summer pattern - overcast most mornings with relatively early burn-off (by 9 AM), highs in the mid- to upper eighties, overnight lows down in the low fifties (occasionally creeps into the upper forties).

    Mrs. C :angel1:

    There are some places that would dearly LOVE to be seeing rain right now.

    You know that song that says, "It never rains in southern California"? Well, for portions of CA, that is very true, especially during the summer months. We haven't seen measurable precipitation since . . . maybe April. We're not in southern CA, but our summer weather pattern rarely includes rain. You could plan an outdoor summer wedding and be pretty well assured it would be a dry day. Now the heat - that's another matter entirely. Last September we went to an outdoor wedding, and it was close to 100º F, at 4 PM!