Posts from gt12pak in thread „How's The Weather“

    Typical November weather for us - thirties at night, sixties during the day. Mostly sunny. Good hot dog selling weather. Of course, we are now officially in our "rainy season" so things could change at any time. But we are enjoying the current trend.

    Chester :newyear:

    Chester, I didn't know you lived in Georgia.:wink: That's exactly the kind of weather we're having minus the rain of course. Got a good soaking rain Monday, but nothing else is expected til Sunday.

    Got about an inch of rain on Thanksgiving and today, it just dried out again and got colder. Dog gone this bursitis in my shoulder. Cold weather gets to it every time.

    HOT during the day and FREEZING at night. It seems we're in that in between stage between summer and winter.....if that makes any sense. BTW, we got a WHOPPING one-tenth of an inch of rain last Thursday. TAKE THAT YOU DOG-GONE DROUGHT!:wink_smile: But for Thanksgiving, the weather-guessers say a bountiful supply of rain will arrive!!!!!:teeth_smile:

    Well things have cooled off here, but I can't remember the last time I saw a drop of rain here. If it's raining in your neck of the woods, be very thankful for it. Things are getting so dry and dusty around here. And there isn't any rain being called for for at least a week.

    What a beautiful morning. It was in the mid 40's and absolutely great. It warmed up to around 78 today, but the humidity was very low.

    Still need rain. We are almost 20 incles below, and our lakes have dropped about 13 feet, yes feet. It is very critical here. But our water supply is still in good shape. I hear that Georgia has a no water usage in the northern part of the state. And thier lakes feed into ours.

    Cheers :cool:

    I'm still wondering how we still have water usage in the middle of the state as well. No rain predicted here until Wednesday of next week. At least it has cooled off here, woke up to 39 this morning and I think it got up to 79. Ahhhhhh fall is in the air.

    Wow!!! Seems like you guys have inherited some of our weather.:stunned: Anyway, the 90's ( I hate to say it ) seems to be a bit of a relief here. We're supposed to get a taste of the 80's next week. Looks like fall might finally be on the way.

    I'll tell you people what. This is the craziest weather that I have ever seen. I sent a PM to 2 members here saying that I wouldn't be here today cause a storm was coming in. Has anybody here ever heard a very loud clap or two of thunder and when you went outside to check it out there was not a cloud in the sky?????? :( Grrrrrrrrrr!

    Before leaving the library in a few minutes, I see that another potential thunderstorm is brewing up outside. The winds are blowing and dark grey clouds are piling up and I already hear distant thunder. :teeth_smile: :thumbs_up:

    No matter how much it rains here, I enjoy every drop of it.

    Wow, Ringo. Just as I read your last post, I heard a clap of thunder and whoooops, now it's raining here. Thank goodness, we need it!!!!!:teeth_smile:

    Well Ringo, the last time I saw the Weather Channel, Hurricane Dean wasn't heading your way. It was supposed to be heading to Mexico so you should be fine. Anyway, it hit the mid 90's here and it is hot.