Posts from arthurarnell in thread „How's The Weather“


    We're having a strange week Monday was like a summers day. Tuesday heavy rain and winds, Wednesday was warm and sunny, Thursday most of the south got snow we got light rain until midday then it was sunny and today has started sunny with blue skies.




    Normally we have the same sort of thing in Portsmouth when it snows we are generally protected by a hill to the north of Portsmouth and the Isle of Wight to the south. This year the snow didn't read the script and we were covered but for only one day.
    Last night they even managed to get the football played but with the wrong result as we lost.



    Hi Keith

    I eas thinking of you last night watching the news on television. It looked really grim with people stranded for up to six hours in their cars. Here its a blue sky with the sun shining. It is quite cold. With slight cloud cover it should keep the temperture above freezing.




    A really mild day just starting to rain ever so slightly. The forecast is wet rather than snow with Saturday being the best day. I will probably regret this but fingers crossed the worst is over in the South.




    Dry with blue skies. We will have to make the most of it however the forecast is bad for Friday and Saturday with more snow.
    its amazing people were saying with global warming there would never be snow again. This is the worst for 20 years. I assume the experts know what they are talking about.




    Looked out of the window earlier this morning and it was clearing up. Looked out just now and we are back to snow covering everything. my wife never made Birmingham she got as far as the town station and was advised not to even attempt the journey. I heard that someone went to London and sat on the train for five hours. London was cut off with no buses running at all in the city.
    Its amazing what a bit of snow can do.




    Had a little fall of snow yesterday nothing serious. Woke up this morning everything white with heavier snowfall predicted for this afternoon. I'm not going out today but my wife is going to Birmingham to a trade fair and throughout the country it's chaos.



    Hi Badger

    Not really sure. I know my wife went to Torquay for a trade fare last year and allowing for the fact that she went on a Sunday and by train it took something like six hours for her to arrive. We went for a couple of days as well last year and it seemed to take forever.

    At last the rain has stopped hopefully we are in for a dry spell.



    Hi Ned

    Yes you're right. it has been raining here most of the day. Lucky have managed to dodge the really heavy stuff.


    Torquay is in Devon England a very beautiful part of the country with great beaches, palm trees and fabulous moors. A lot of people go there when they retire because the weather is so good.

    If you look on a map of the southern part of England I live in Hampshire then you have Dorset and then Devon & Cornwall then the next stop is the US of A.

    Geographical distances have never been my strong point but I suppose Kieth and I live about 250 miles apart give or take a few miles. In American terms I suppose that would make us neighbours.




    Five minutes ago it was absolutely chucking it down now its stopped. Which is great as I have to go to the post office to pick up the Franklin Mint Globe and get the shopping done.




    I watched the forecast last night and it seems we are in for three or four days of rain, although at the moment it is grey and dry.

    Could have a repeat of the conditions last Saturday but at least we are away to Sunderland and can watch events evolve on television.




    After non stop rain from mid morning yesterday today is for November, quite pleasant, no wind,dry and bright. I think the rain is back tomorrow. The good thing is that this week we're on holiday and might get away for a couple of days to Shakespeare country.




    Rained most of yesterday the first day of the Portsmouth Historic Dockyards Festival of Christmas. I think they are going to have the best of it today as although its very windy it has for most of the day been sunny and dry.
    The forecast for tomorrow is rain all day and sixty mile per hour winds. And I'm working in the Dockyard tomorrow.




    On Sunday we had the equivilent of nine days rain over Portsmouth slight rain yesterday and today as I start a weeks leave its hardly stopped raining all day. it could be worse however as up North and in the Midlands they have had snow'




    I've just finished the first of two weeks leave and the weatherhas been very good. went to Glorious Goodwood yesterday and watched an afternoons horse racing spent £28.00 on bets and won £23.00 so for an enjoyable afternoon finished a fiver down.

