Posts from Stumpy in thread „How's The Weather“

    Surprisingly enough, north Texas is relatively cool today. Though we've had triple-digit temperatures for the past 6 or 8 weeks, today at noon it's below 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Feels downright cool for a change.:wink_smile:

    stumpy we are in what is called the sub-tropics from rockhampton upwards is the tropics and yes we are close to the equator espcially up north as they have the monsoon rains, yep come down under where we drive on the other side, the water goes down the plug hole the other way as well lol

    I've studied the Google map of Australia more closely and based on your remark about Camira being "just a 5-minute walk from home", see that you are further south toward Antartica than I realized. I can understand now why you'd get hail and other winter weather where you live. Though considering the Latitude, even Camira isn't all that distant from the Equator.

    some rain cold nights but warm during the day looking up for a good summer fingers crossed am looking forward to a hot one better than the last summer which was wet in more ways than one. had a hail storm last week here place looked a snowy day someone uploaded some of it to youtube. will see if i can find it and post address so you can see my back yard lol

    look for "drive through camira after hail storm 30/08/2011" the driver is travling along a road just 5 mins walk from home.

    I've always been surprised about the winter weather Australia experiences because isn't it fairly close to the equator? Especially the northern part of Australia where you live, smokey?

    Several times I've commented about how hot and dry it is in Texas this summer but I've forgotten to mention at least one silver lining. The flies and mosquitoes are non-existent.

    We are in our typical summer weather pattern here... Cool foggy mornings, hot dry afternoons... okay hot to me... lows are comfortable 60's, highs are uncomfortable upper 80's low 90's... with a few 100 degree days tossed in there, now and again...

    Hey Eric, give thanks you don't live in Texas. Where I live in north Texas we've had 100 degrees plus for almost 3 months straight. And all this with less than an inch of rain since about April. I may move to Seattle. :wink_smile:

    According to this article, Texas is in one of the worst, and hottest, droughts we've ever had. I read another story that told how ranchers are selling most of their cattle because of a lack of water and the high price of hay to feed them.

    cold overcast and horrible summer come down under

    I'm confused, Smokey. As I understand it, Australia's seasons (since it's in the Southern Hemisphere) are the opposite of those in the Northern Hemisphere. In other words, what we call summer are the (usually) hot months of June, July and August whereas those are Australia's cold months, aren't they? So wouldn't that be called your winter, instead of summer?

    I swear if I'm not beginning to believe all that "global warming" crap we've heard for the past ten or twelve years. Since about the beginning of May, north Texas has been hotter than blue blazes. Much hotter and drier than its been for many a year.

    I've been reading these stories on the 'net that our sun is supposed to go into what they're calling "hibernation", which might bring on a "mini-ice age". Speaking for north Texas summer, I wish it'd hurry up. :laugh:

    Jim - It hurts me to see all those fires in West Texas and elsewhere in the state (there was one in Telegraph near Junction which has been brought under control) and even more that Obama elected (there's an ironic word) to not call those areas "disaster areas."
    Our local weathercaster said that this was an extreme period of dry weather - he even did a rain dance the other night!

    I just hold my breath every time a grass fire starts in the vicinity where I live. It's a little old wide spot in the road with a volunteer FD and as you can imagine, a place like that can get overwhelmed very quickly.