Posts from smokey in thread „How's The Weather“

    we had a supercell thumder storm last weekend here, no damage where i live but near where i work just a 20 min drive away the had hail stones the size of golf and soft balls they lost windows, fences, cars have broken winscreens trees down and local flooding.

    there was snow and black ice down south, snow up in stanthope about 4 hrs from me yesterday we had just 15 as the max and 4 last night and again tonight a cold front came in from the artic area not good when we had just has 3 days in the 30's warmer weather coming back by the middle of the week thank you anything under 20 is jumper and extra blankies

    we are going down to 2 tonight which really means we will be having zero and i have to get up for work in the morning oh what joy (not) wishing summer was here now will gladly swop temps with some one for some hot weather lol

    we have had some really cold mornings been down to -5 warming up to a cold 18 during the day summer must surely be coming soon cant take much more of this cold weather i want it to be hot and sunny, no rain this summer please lol

    a cold front has come in sleet and snow in tenterfield just across the boarder, getting down to 0 or below tonight winter has come inlooking forward to summer

    warm during the day but cold at night we had 5 last night and 24 today what more can i say looks like winter has arrived cant wait for summer to get back hopefully this winter wont be as wet as it has been the last couple of year and w get a really good summer

    christmas was sunny and warm,boxing day the same but with showers happening today not so nice tropical lows of coast has caused high seas and rain to come ashore why not its monsoon season lol

    started out fine and warm and so sunny, cold front moved in this afrvo and it is now cold by the days standard looking forward to some really hot days hope them come soon

    cheers smokey