Posts from smokey in thread „How's The Weather“

    have had rain on and off for the last few days has made the grass green again. none to speak off fell in the catchment area of the dam so the rain hasnt changed our water restrictions. know someone living down in victoria, in benidgo who told me that they are on 150lts per person per day because their dam is considered dry.

    have seen on the news about the snow storms in the midwest they looked like big falls hope some of you have had enough to go motorsking (or what ever it is called) this year.

    cheers smokey

    hi all

    well we have had showers for the last week but it still is falling in the wrong places they say we have had 10mm fall in the dam area with all of the showers it also wont be enough to say some of the farmers who at their limit which is a pitty because of this drought the cost of fresh vegies has gone up but knowing the way things work the farmers will still not be getting that much for their crops if they were able to harvest any at all.

    getting colder every day but as they say we are in winter but not for much longer

    hooroo smokey

    hi bek and all

    bek i know what you mean about the cold at 5.30am have been out at that time to get a bus to get into to where i am doing my course is so cold have had to go out and get a beanie and gloves. we too had a shower was just enough to see it on the windscreen of the car. we have been placed on level 3 water conditions which means we can only use a bucket to water our gardens not that i do this much wish we could have rainwater tanks though they wouldnt be of much use at this time because we havent had any rain the grass is dying but i think of the farmers who are doing it tougher

    all the best to you all

    bek heard on the train the other morning that they are begining to see the small hills that were under the water at the wivenhoe have become small islands and are getting bigger as each day passes.


    hi everyone

    we are having a bit of rain. saw on the news last night that there had been some big winds go through you country hope there wasn't anyone we know in there path

    if your in this area keep your heads down and hopefully it will pass you by

    hooroo smokey

    having great weather has been cool in the mornings but has warmed up durning the day looks like it could be like this for some time they do say that we are in for more rain but we may not get it but you never know

    hooroo smokey

    hi sxviper

    great photos looks like you had fun still looks cold brrrrrrrr

    well we have had rain for like forever now we are having 2 days fine hope tomorrow to mow the lawn what fun.

    they say that we wont have to go on to level 3 water restrictions for 1 month wow wee big deal we need it to fall in the right areas not where i am the the dam will fill right up

    heard about the heavy snow in europe hope all who live there are ok

    till later

    hooroo smokey

    hi guys

    well things went from bad to worse the little bloke still is having nose bleeds but now it is with a chest infection and the beginnings of an ear infection when he gets sick he goes the whole hog. have been having some really warm days as well sitting on 30.3C (86.5F) at 12:45am.

    he has had the week off from school but he should be well enough to go back next week. have been getting out in the mornings early and it has been very warm all except for thursday morning when it was misty. have had a little rain but all in the wrong places and dam levels have dropped some more just wish it would move out west and rain and fill up the dams

    well till later have a warm and safe time for the rest of us hope it cools down soon

    hooroo smokey

    hi all

    has been quite a warm week had up to 37C and down to 18C at night. had a drop of rain but not much we're going onto buckets to water our gardens now. early morning has been lovely and cool at about 26C but raising up durning the day.

    at the moment its 31.3C (88.3F) and its 1:07am in the morning because of the heat i have been up in the night as the little bloke has had bad nose bleeds had to give him a 1/2 body wash to get the blood off and change the bedding what bliss especially when you have to be up at 5:30am :( .

    hope to let you know how next week goes when i get the chance to get back on

    hooroo smokey

    well folks looks like our cool spell might just be here only 33.4C(92.1) TODAY at 6.30pm.

    wont be here till next weekend so will let you know how we faired

    bek sorry to hear that they had you out in the paddock in the midday heat working with the cows, but if you want to go down this track most farmers/vets also have to work through this sort of heat they could be trying to toughen you up for work with large aminals or on the land. just think when winter is here it will be the other way round when the winds get up you will be wishing that you could have staied indooors

    well till later hooroo smokey

    hi all

    it is 30.3(86.5) at this time

    bek hope they let you take water into class just think the trip home will be like a traveling sauna take lots of water with you.
    its a pity that they wont let you go home once it hits 40+ but thats policy of qld edu sorry little mate. my little bloke is in a demountable and it has aircon so the heat wont affect him so much this year.


    hi bek

    well if you think of the bus as a sardine can you wont go wrong once you have the hot bodies of the children on the bus it will make the heat inside the bus all that much hotter, when i was going to school back in the dark ages :lol: we used to fight for the window seats otherwise you used to really cook.

    it has been a really lovely day with humity about the 80% range and temp was 33C maybe a little more temp has just dropped to 29.9C

    hooroo smokey

    hi all

    just an update we had quite a bit of rain on friday. my parents were on the final leg of the trip home from victoria they left a place called goondiwindi on the nsw/qld boarder on their way to warwick when they were turned back and told to take another road as the road they were on had gone under so they turned back to goondiwindi and took the other road they travelled through some large puddles till they came to a place where the road was under again they took a chance and decided to cross they started out and by the time they got out of the other side the water level had risen to 20cms up the door of the car if they had not had taken the chance they would have been stuck in goondiwindi till the water had dropped. dad said that the water was getting deeper as they were crossing just glad they did try.

    heard on the news that mosco had -29C the other day and -25C as well just hope that senta is ok

    hooroo smokey

    its raining tonight wasn't as hot as it has been but still warmer than the average we didnt get as hot as bek but close we had about 30 today. looks like it will be raining for the next few days. hope bek is getting some :lol: wont be so hot when your out on your horse.

    hooroo smokey

    hi all

    well again today we are having a warm day at this time in my study its 31.5C (88.7F) looks like we're in for a wet week so the weather man says. hopefully it will fall in the right places.

    bek have been through gatton on the way down south on a number of occassions have even stopped there to catch a bite to eat :D

    hooroo smokey

    hi bek

    i live about 30 mins outside ipswich brisbane side have been into the valley which town do you live near may have been in your neck of the woods

    chester we may live closer then you think :lol: we may even be less then 2hrs apart :lol: :lol:

    hooroo smokey

    hi all

    today its been 32C (89.6F) been sweating like you wouldnt know have had storm clouds in the sky tonight but so far no action so it looks like we wont be cooling down tonight.

    just before the children broke up for the summer holidays we had a couple of 40C+ days at my little blokes school they have installed demountable class rooms which are suppose to have air conditioning in them but his one didnt so they sweltered.

    hi bek i live in queensland myself in the south east corner.

    hooroo smokey

    hi all

    well at this time it is 28.9C (84F) we have had some really hot days with high humity so far this summer we have had about i week where the temps have been below 30C and that was only with the rain and storms. our summer temps came in about september so as you can see we have had a long summer.

    bek where abouts in australia are you from as i too am an aussie glad to see another aussie aboard

    hooroo smokey