Posts from smokey in thread „How's The Weather“

    well the warm weather went west we are in for a few cold mornings again looking at from 5-10 overnight wish the rain would go away and let summer come in.
    yes stumpy we are in the southeast corner of queensland so we get the cold winds from down south in winter and the warmer winds from up north in summer when it happens lol

    stumpy we are in what is called the sub-tropics from rockhampton upwards is the tropics and yes we are close to the equator espcially up north as they have the monsoon rains, yep come down under where we drive on the other side, the water goes down the plug hole the other way as well lol

    some rain cold nights but warm during the day looking up for a good summer fingers crossed am looking forward to a hot one better than the last summer which was wet in more ways than one. had a hail storm last week here place looked a snowy day someone uploaded some of it to youtube. will see if i can find it and post address so you can see my back yard lol

    look for "drive through camira after hail storm 30/08/2011" the driver is travling along a road just 5 mins walk from home.

    warm day colder tonight have had storms, the last one had hail in it and when it passed it looked like we had some snow fall as there was a lot of hail still on the ground.

    wet wet and more wet its raining again and looks like its in for the week and some. they say we are in for a wet spring hope its not true cause that was how it started before, wish it would go else where how bout you guys call for it i will gladly send it to you.

    stumpy our farmers had to do that a couple of years ago because of the drought and some even shot their cattle because they were not good enough to go to the markets, in some areas it got so bad that they had to get the ok from the banks to even buy the bullets to shot their animals. conditions are looking up now since we had that big wet last summer.

    cold this morning it didnt warm up at work until about 11am the breeze coming in the dock door was quite cool for some time lol warm at home thiugh so mum told me son said it was warm at school as well

    cold this morning not to bad if you were out of the winds they had a chill factor with them today which made the day colder but we did reach 20 i think today summer please come back

    your correct stumpy i just want summer to come down under as i am sick of the cold and want to warm up that is if we get a good summer not like the last one which was raining,flooding, cyclones and cold to boot.

    it is overcast again today cold as far as im concerned