Posts from chester7777 in thread „How's The Weather“

    some rain cold nights but warm during the day looking up for a good summer fingers crossed am looking forward to a hot one better than the last summer which was wet in more ways than one. had a hail storm last week here place looked a snowy day someone uploaded some of it to youtube. will see if i can find it and post address so you can see my back yard lol

    look for "drive through camira after hail storm 30/08/2011" the driver is travling along a road just 5 mins walk from home.


    We watched the video. I suspect all our Texan members are envious of all that precipitation! BTW, being below the equator, does that account for the fact that everyone is driving on the other side of the road? :wink_smile::wink_smile: Just kidding!!

    Chester :newyear:

    . . . <snip>I never complain about the cold <snip> . . . . Id gladly freeze over sweating any time, any day.

    You and I are on the SAME page on that one, Carl!

    I could easily handle the fog and overcast of the UK over the relentless heat of Texas in the summer. I hear the news reports of days and days of 100+º temps there, and think I would die of depression if I lived there and had to endure that.

    We get our 90-100+ summer days here, but it cools off every night! We can have nights in the fifties and go up to the nineties and higher during the day. I'm miserable during the day, but I give thanks for the cool nights.

    We have had unseasonably late rains this year (our Little League closing day was rained out!), and unseasonably cool days for this time of the year (although yesterday and the day before were 'normal').

    On those really hot days, I give thanks to God on behalf of all those folks who really 'love' the heat - at least somebody's happy on those days!

    Mrs. C :angel1:

    Finally had some rain after quite a few days in the upper 90's or low 100's. This is in NJ you would of thought I live in Arizona or Texas.

    hot as hell!!!!!!!!!!

    Same here as where Cindy is at. Hotter than the Sun. Also VERY humid here.

    here too 104 and very humid

    We are about to get in the 100's late this week starting Thursday going through Sunday. And no mention past Sunday right now, but it may not be pretty next week. And did I forget the humidity? Don't worry, it will be there in full force!

    Wish I was visiting Chester and the Mrs........

    I wish you could ALL visit here right now . . . we have been unseasonably cool for WEEKS (although it was a toasty 94-98º F in the central valley last week as we were driving through on the way to Lake Tahoe).

    The highs have been in the mid- to high seventies (unusual for this time of year), with relatively low humidity (that part is normal).

    Mrs. C :angel1:

    I'm pretty sure we've seen the end of any appreciable rain until October.

    I have been personally enjoying the unseasonably cooler weather recently! We've been in the mid-seventies and even below during the day.

    You'll hear me whining when it gets too hot . . . .

    Mrs. C :angel1:

    We've had unseasonably cool weather for several days, and most uncharacteristically late rainfall on Thursday. Then, yesterday and today, it finally warmed up to about 80º F and was nice and sunny. Maybe summer will come, after all!

    Today was hazy sun and humid . . . blech!

    We've had unseasonably cool weather for several days, and most uncharacteristically late rainfall on Thursday. Then, yesterday and today, it finally warmed up to about 80º F and was nice and sunny. Maybe summer will come, after all!

    Mrs. C :angel1:

    Cool overnight and mornings, pleasant afternoons . . . we had a little spritzle (don't know if that's a word or not, but I hear the weather man use it, so I guess I can, too) of rain last night.

    Mrs. C :angel1:

    Was beautiful and sunny yesterday, gray and gloomy today.

    Rained this afternoon, about an inch, but it's supposed to be nice tomorrow - just in time for our local Little League opening day!!

    We've had a mixed bag of late - a fair amount of rain (season total of around 45", which is 3/4 of normal, but more than we've had each year for the past three or four years), quite cool considering we're within 'spitting distance' of spring (down in the 30s the past few nights!), some sun but more clouds lately (yesterday sunny, but real cloudy and windy the day before, with some rain in the evening).

    Current forecast? Sunny today, rain tomorrow, but supposed to be nice for the weekend.

    Mrs. C :angel1:

    Ben, it was Mark Twain who said it.

    Mark Twain is reported to have also said, "The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco."

    Having worked in and visited SF in the summer, I can attest to the fact that you should never visit the City by the Bay without a jacket in tow, no matter what time of year it is!

    As for our local weather, 65 miles south of San Francisco, it is cloudy and rain is forecasted for later today, after a nice sunny day yesterday. Typical weather for this time of year around here.


    Still cold with threat of snow. Glad global warming worked out so well. Thought we were supposed to be like California :lol

    Hope springs Eternal!

    Chester :hop:
    P.S. As for our weather - Saturday was a mixed bag, with some sun, mostly cloudly, a few misty sprinkles around dinner time, and supposedly it is going to rain Sunday.

    Yikes, you guys! You are COLD!

    We're sitting here, in the house, at around 60º F, trying to decide if we should start a fire in the woodburning stove (our only source of heat). It's 37º F outside.

    Mrs. C :angel1:

    We've had it pretty cold for our area - twenties at night, and today it barely made it to the mid-forties. Yesterday morning, there was precipitation in the area, and snow at the higher elevations (I think the snow dropped to 550 ft. above sea level). Of course, it's gone in a very short while.

    Mrs. C :angel1:

    What a coup! This is the sort of evidence it will blow the doomsayers out of the cooling water!

    And, by the by, it's still cooling here in California,
    and raining.

    Chester :newyear: