Posts from chester7777 in thread „Matt Dillon“

    kilo 6,

    Wow, looks like you will be in competition with Jay J. Foraker for the title of "resurrectionist" :D !

    I can't believe I didn't post a link the first time around. Oh, well, HERE it is :rolleyes: .

    Happy reading!

    Chester :newyear:

    Speaking of other cowboys, I thought you might find the following article of interest. It is a repost from the Yahoo group McCandles Texas.

    --- In [email protected], "lon1883" <Blakemf@a...> wrote:

    Today marked the last public appearance of James Arness. He signed copies of his autobiography, pictures and was selling a wonderful limited edition art print by fellow actor Buck Taylor.

    Arness recently celebrated his 80th birthday and this was his last public hurrah. Part of the proceeds from today will be divided between CP fund and the Autry Museum. Despite age, that has bent the once tall frame, he was still full of humor and really enjoyed meeting the fans. What amazed me is he took time with each person, shook hands, took pictures and was geniunely interested in the people. When he put on his Matt Dillon hat a few times, the audience went crazy with applause. Despite age, he still had that look.

    It was great to see him again and thank him once more for taking the time one day at KTLA (where they were filming GUNSMOKE in the early 1960s)and saying hello to a five year-old.

    Michael F. Blake
    who feels no one said "Hold it!" better than Arness....

    I recently did a Google search on James Arness and discovered The Official Website for James Arness. The most interesting thing I learned about him was that he is still alive, and even answers questions that fans leave on his web site. Another interesting thing is that he had the same birthday as John Wayne (16 years later, on May 26). I'll be checking out his web site further to see if any interesting JW info or trivia is there.

