Posts from Hondo Duke Lane in thread „Last Non Western You Watched“

    Invincible. A great movie about a football player making it in pro football (NFL) as a walk-on. Must see, and yes it is a Disney movie, but I have a friend who's character is in the movie. Denny Franks of the Philadelphia Eagles.

    Cheers B)

    I watched Bringing Up Baby. It had Cary Grant and Katherine Hepburn (Rooster Cogburn . . . . and the Lady). This movie also had Barry Fitzgerald (The Quiet Man) and Ward Bond (in an uncredited role). I will not tell you what Bond did with Duke, there is so many to mention. A very busy movie but pretty good.

    I got this with the promotional with, and got six movies and finally watched to last of the six classics from that order. The six were Bringing Up Baby, The Fighting Sullivans, Dead End, Picnic, Sergeant York, and Friendly Persuasion. I think I saved $45 on the six DVDs.

    Cheers B)

    I just watched my copy of Dead End with Humphrey Bogart that I received from A 1937 classic that actually didn't star Bogart but Sylvia Sidney and Joel McCrea. A really good movie that shows an area of New York on the East River. It also stars the Dead End Kids in this movie. A must see if you like Bogart.

    Cheers B)

    Superman Returns. I know it's corny, but I liked it better than the Christopher Reeves, Superman. This one puts it in a different light without making a political statement. When I saw the first two of Reeves Superman, I discovered a few years later how politically motivated this was and disliked it after I saw them.

    Cheers B)

    I watched last night Cast A Giant Shadow. Though this is a John Wayne, it is really focused on Kirk Douglas. A really good movie and one that I haven't seen in a long time. I forgot most of the movie, and it is the first time I seen Duke really get emotional toward something like that. I recommend this movie for all to see.

    Cheers B)

    I watched An American Haunting. This is the story of the Bell Witch in Tennessee back in 1817. Know the story but it was different in the movie. It starred Donald Sutherland and Sissy Spacek. Thought it was going to be a great movie, but it was weird. Just released this week on DVD.

    Cheers B)

    I have watched The Path to 9/11. What a movie. It bothers me still today that we in the United States are not taking things here seriously with the attacks that could happen. I just hope that the wrong people don't let their guards down or we might have major problems in the world.

    What would Duke do? He'd shoot 'em up and tell them to go to Hell. As they lay there. You don't mess around with these United States with Duke around. Whatcha think?

    Cheers B)

    I watched Glory Road. That is the movie of the 1966 Western Texas University basketball team that broke the color barrior and let 5 black players play the NCAA national championship game against the Kentucky Wildcats. It was about a team that was put together and went through the bouts of the race problems of the time.

    Was a good movie. A must see for the sports fan.

    Cheers :cool: