Posts from dukefan1 in thread „John Wayne Picture Game #63“

    Maureen: Why is that crib so big?
    Barry: Because, look at him! You know he's gone to make BIG babies!
    Duke: I was 13lbs at birth, and that was small for boys in my family.
    Maureen: Nice knowin' ya. I've got another train to catch!!!!

    Hello Gang!

    Don't forget to vote on the last game. It's easy....just click this link , take a look, close the pop up window, and vote. Thanks for everyone's support for this game. It's a hoot!

    Thanks for all the great lines for game #61. And here's your winner.....chester7777:hyper: . Yeah!!!!

    Looks like the picture for game 62 was harder to come up with a quote for than I thought. I know I drew a blank :stunned: . But we did have a few gamers who tried! So, don't forget to vote!

    Now, on to the next game. Post a funny quote to the picture below. Have fun with it!
