Posts from The Ringo Kid in thread „Anyone here watching Le Tour de France races?“

    Thanks for the Hincapi pic. :thumbs_up: I had not known he broke some bones in an earlier race? I think he did an awsome job of riding in this years TdF.

    Speaking of Cobblestone streets. I walked on some in several German cities--and it hurt my feet to no end. I was wearing a nice new pair of tennis shoes when I vacationed there. The worst I recall walking on were in Lubeck and Goslar, Germany. BTW, I loved both cities and had a great time in each. :martini_shaken:

    Sally and Carl - You like to see them fall and want photos of the crashes, eh.:wink_smile: You folks would have really liked the action in the Roman Coliseum in its heyday. :lamo: Yeah, there is a certain perverse attraction to these happenings, just like we like to see the hits in football and crashes in auto racing. Of course, we always hope no one is hurt when these things happen.
    Cheers - Jay:beer:

    Hi Jay, it's like that song: "I Like Kung Fu Fighting, it's so exciting," to see some drama as well. I never got to see them when they actually happened. I do remember seeing Vinokourov riding along proudly showing off his (ahem) Strawberries (aka) Road Rash; from an accident. :ohmy:

    :thumbs_up: Hey, thank you very much Moonshine.S, these are some great photos. I know there is controversey about Floyd Landis, do you have any pics of him? As well, do you have any from the two big crashes during from the 07 races?

    Also, in one of your other photos, I noticed a guy in the light blue jersey. Was that Vinokouov? sure looks like him to me. :wink:

    There is a "Tour de California" scheduled for February that Versus announced it would carry. There were a number of other cycling events mentioned in passing during the "Tour de France," but no specifics were given as to dates or coverage.
    As for the coverage of the "Tour," I specially enjoyed Al Trautwig and Bob Roll as commentators as well as Paul Sherwen and Phil Liggett.
    Cheers - Jay:beer:

    Thanks for this info Jay. Please keep me informed over the next months in case I forget--which is not difficult these days. :thumbs_up:

    I thought those commentators did an excellent job as well. :thumbs_up:

    Hey Moonshine.S. do you have any pics of Lance Armstrong?

    All I can say about the race this year is that for the first time in over 30 years, I actually enjoyed sitting down and watching a sport on TV. :thumbs_up: I have not been so enthusiastic about watching any sport in many a year.

    Also, does anyone have any pictures of those crash-pile-ups and the crashes caused by those two Dogs? :yeaahh:

    Boy, I can hardly wait for the next TdF.

    Rasmussen is out because he didn't follow procedures. His own team disqualified him because, as I understand, he was supposed to be in Mexico (his wife's home), but istead he was seen practicing in the Dolomites in Italy at the time in question and not available for drug testing when he should have been (apparently being in Mexico was a legitimate excuse, but being in Europe he should have made himself available).
    Vinokurov had a blood transfusion which supposedly made better ability for his body to be oxygenated. That was a definite no-no!!!!:headbonk: :headbonk: .
    Despite all the negative publicity, I'm still following the Tour with great enthusiasm and now rooting for our guys on the Discovery team.
    Cheers - Jay:beer:

    Aw man, I am disappointed that Rasmussen is now out. Looks like that younger rider from Columbia might take the race--or Cadel Evans or (but not likely) Levi Leipheimer. I sure hope Levi gets his act together. Time is begenning to run out for him racing in the tour.

    It would be nice to see the Discovery team get two people on the stand.

    Haha I'm glad I didn't come with you then.Often I do my shopping with my bike and I always end up buying too much stuff so that my bike is packed like a mule:stunned: and too know that I do have a car at home :teeth_smile: My bike is still my favourite transport if I don't go and have to ride hours on end :wink_smile:

    But back to the Tour,I didn't see much today as I was out most of the day but I'll make sure to see some more before it ends on sunday.September gives us the Vuelta.Do you get to see that in the States aswell or is it just the Tour you get??

    Not sure why my last post did not post but ill try again.

    I used to load up my bike like you did--thinking people looked at me like I was a Mule-Skiner or something.

    Not sure if we are going to get that other race shown here or not? I don't recall seeing it advertised on the VS channel.

    I only really started getting into the race about 2 years ago. All the controversies aside, I agree with you, they are some great athletes.

    The longest ride I ever took was on flat land from Kingsville to Corpus Christi. Round trip is about 90 miles. I had to face a pretty stiff sea breeze all the way and it was fairly difficult but I make it and really did not feel very tired. I then spent a few hours riding from one place to another and then stopped at a comicbook store-bought about 150 comics--and had to ride with that box on my handlebars all the way back home. Fortunately, a good portion of my way back, I had the winds helping push me there. I was gone for about 12 hrs total. Total time between Kingsville to Corpus Christi and back was about 5 hours.

    Vinokourov tested positive after saturday's etappe.What is it lately with all of them taking drugs?Apparently he must have had a bloodtransfusion just before saturday's etappe.As a result he is out now but also his whole team and that is just sad that for one man they all must pay...Well Tom Boonen is still in the green jersey so no complaints from me :wink_smile:

    I heard that he tested positive. Also a 2nd has tested positive--I think he is a French rider. Will know more tomorrow.

    Its a darn shame that thie race cannot be a totally honest one.

    Also, did you all hear that some Spanish Terrorists exploded two small bombs somewhere on the Spanish route. :glare:

    Looks like Vinokourov won Stage 15 today! Wow! This guy just won't quit. He might have a chance afterall. In the meantime, Rasmussen still holds on to the Yellow Jersey.
    The Tour de France found my interest during Lance Armstrong's heyday, and still does today, I must say.
    Cheers - Jay:beer:

    Vinokourov is a great racer. I will almost bet that he wins next year-if he does not this year.

    I too first got interested in the race when Lance was racing. My interest picked up aftre watching last years race with Floyd Landis. BTW, he owns about 600 acres of land in the hill country. He was trying to be neighborly with all the people around him but, they ruined that.

    I've been keeping up with the Tour, Carl. It looks like Vinikourov has fallen back in today's stage in the Pyrenees (my spelling may be off - I'm flying by the seat of my pants here) so he may be out of it even though he made a big comeback in the time trials yesterday. I've been rooting for George Hincape, but he really hasn't made any moves. I think Rasmussen will be the overall Tour winner - he seems to have a lot of strength and has consistently worn the yellow jersey.
    Cheers - Jay:beer:

    Hi Jay, thanks for this. I have tried to watch every stage but mainly only get to see about half of most of them. Vinokourov is a tough racer. Did you see that look of determination on his face a few days ago-when he won? Im surprised he was still racing after that big pile-up from several days ago. I like Hincapie as well as Rasmussen--both are great athletes. I too feel that Rasmussen will win this year.