Posts from dukefan1 in thread „John Wayne Picture Game #82 - PART 1“

    Hello Gang!

    Don't forget to vote on the last game. It's easy....just click this link , take a look, close the pop up window, and vote. Thanks for everyone's support for this game. It's a hoot!

    Another great turnout this week. I'm glad to see everyone having fun with this. Because of the hugh turnout, I had to make 2 posts again. So when you are voting and don't see the person you are voting for, look at the Game 82 PART 2 post for the remaining choices. Thanks!

    The winner of game #80 by a good margin is...

    Tbone :hyper:Kudos to you !

    Now, on to the next game. Post a funny quote to the picture below and be judged by your peers. Come on now, don't be shy. Jump in and have fun!
