Posts from arthurarnell in thread „JWMB sponsors a Walk Of Fame block“


    That idea has a lot of sense. In the museum that I work for as a volunteer somehing similar is in being, as its a maritime museum the people who give money are called admirals or commodores (to be one of those you have to contribute £100s of 1000s) but the idea has merit.



    It looks like I could be caught in the middle here as I can see both sides of the arguement.
    I agree with Stumpy that the buying of the Alamo was a magnificent example of like minded people working together with a common cause, and a successful conclusion.
    But now is the time to let it rest until perhaps someone with a camera takes a photograph of the brick in place and gives a fitting amen to it.
    As for the latest appeal while it is not my personal wish to buy a brick coming after the other effort, the fact that Kevin and Chester have raised it is another matter. Perhaps I am reading too much into this perhaps not but I think it is important to pass on the fact that bricks are available for the reason that this is a request from the John Wayne board or whatever they call themselves.
    For various reasons I feel that the lines differences or whatever are getting more and more faint as we all come together to what after all is a common cause. There is room enough in the world for all supporters, fans and officials of John Wayne to come together and the fact that this board has the world wide appeal it has is making a significant difference.
    if this sounds that as a moderator I am appealling for moderation or sitting on the fence then I apologize, but I see this as part of my role, and as a moderator I certainly do not mean to cause offence.


    In 1545 the Mary Rose, a 700 ton Carrick whilst attempting to prevent a French invasion of Portsmouth capzised and sank in the Solent between Portsmouth and the Isle of Wight.
    Initial attempts to salvage her failed and after a few days the ship was left to its fate.
    In the late 1960s a man with a vision named Alexander Mckee searched and found the wreck of the Mary Rose lying on its side half rotted away.
    Through his efforts and determination assisted by a small group of helpers thousands of artifacts were removed and stored and treated so that eventually these could be put on public display. On October 11th 1982 the Mary Rose was itself brought to the surface for the first time in over four hundred years and is currently undergoing preservation treatment. From 1982 onward the ship has been on public display, further up the historic dockyard is the Mary Rose Museum in which a small proportion of the thousands of available artifacts are displayed.
    It has always been the plan to unite the ship with the museum and in \january this the lottery funding announced that they were going to donate £21,000,000 towards building a brand new museum.
    Immediately people went into print criticising the decision saying that it was a waste of money etc spending a fortune on what is half a wooden ship. They failed to realise that the Mary Rose was important as it was the only mediaeval ship in existence.

    If you have stayed with me this long you may well ask what has this to do with the John Wayne museum?
    When I was aked to become a moderator to this board I felt quite proud and honoured and still do.
    Perhaps being in England my situation make it difficult to do as much as Chester or Hondo so perhaps this is my way of trying to do my bit.
    The analogy with the Mary Rose and John Wayne Museums is such that both are trying to become permenant reminders to famous people or events.
    In his way Kevin is a man of vision and is trying to ensure that for the next 100 years this
    board will have a permenant record by having its name inscribed on a granite brick in the John wayne Museum.
    it may be that Kevin pitched his appeal slighty high, and looking at the results so far they seemed to have stalled, perhaps some kind fan may be prepared to give the total a kick start, who knows just a few dollars from three or four like minded people may be enough to give us the impetus to enable us to go on and reach the target.

    Thanks for listening and now I'll get off of my soapbox.




    Perhaps this is my thick day :stunned: because I have been following the comments made in this thread and wondering what the hell its all about particularly with the references to the films. It only now when I clicked on to the walk of fame that I began to understand that you can have your favourite film put on the slab .

    On the occasions that we have been to Disney World at Florida the carved bricks of contributors are very much in evidence and as you say it seems to be common place in the United States. Perhaps its not so common over here but what the hell some things we can learn from others.

    It seems nice that if the goal is achieved it will provide a lasting memorial and future generations will get a chance to see what groups contributed even if indviduals are not named. I work in a museum part time and the importance of memories and history cannot be under stated and as such I have made a donation albeit small but working on the premise that every thing helps.

