JWMB sponsors a Walk Of Fame block

There are 77 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 102,335 times. The latest Post () was by chester7777.

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  • Which film tile should the JWMB purchase on the Walk of Fame? 10

    1. The Alamo (8) 80%
    2. Angel and the Badman (0) 0%
    3. Back to Bataan (0) 0%
    4. Big Jake (0) 0%
    5. Dark Command (0) 0%
    6. Donovan's Reef (1) 10%
    7. The Fighting Seabees (0) 0%
    8. Flame of Barbary Coast (0) 0%
    9. Flying Leathernecks (0) 0%
    10. Flying Tigers (0) 0%
    11. The Green Berets (0) 0%
    12. The High and the Mighty (1) 10%
    13. Hondo (0) 0%
    14. Island in the Sky (0) 0%
    15. Operation Pacific (0) 0%
    16. Rooster Cogburn (0) 0%
    17. The Train Robbers (0) 0%
    18. Trouble Along the Way (0) 0%
    19. Wake of the Red Witch (0) 0%
    20. The War Wagon (0) 0%

    July 3, 2008

    Fellow John Wayne fans,

    Here's a new opportunity to further support the new museum and learning center. Right now you can purchase a 4" x 8" Tribute Brick with your choice of three lines of text (limited to 13 characters and spaces per line) and have it placed on the walkway leading to the front steps of the Birthplace home! (see photo) For all the bricks that were sold previously, those purchasers are being contacted and about 90% of them want to be a part of this new brick sidewalk project. In addition, about 100 4" x 8" bricks are still available for this project if anyone is interested. It is expected that they will go fast, since the word is being spread to everyone that is a member of the Birthplace Society and other fans as well.

    Proceeds from the sale of these bricks support the effort to build the new John Wayne Birthplace and Learning Center--the ONLY museum in the world dedicated to John Wayne. This offer is only available while the supply of brick spaces lasts!

    Go to Brickwalk for a direct link to the information for this special limited-time offer.

    May 25, 2008
    I'm happy to report that we have reached our goal of $1500!! :hyper:

    We had a late arrival with a donation and that sealed the deal, and we're set to purchase the brick!

    The Alamo Brick has been purchased, and will be engraved with the following:

    Thanks again to all who contributed to the JW walk of fame. We put our $$ where our mouth is with this effort, and we have put our mark on the museum, & and on this noble effort.

    Kevin - JWMB Admin

  • Hello Everyone:

    This is an interesting thread however I would like to express a number of concerns I have.

    $2500 does seem to be quite a lot of money to spend on a block, is purchasing this block really the best way to advance the cause of John Wayne?

    Secondly what benefit will the purchase of this block have overall with regards to the museum? Personally I would have felt that if its going to a museum then Dukewayne.com would have been better off purchasing some John Wayne memorabilia/props or some rare items of interest to fellow fans etc.

    These are only my opinion and perhaps at the moment I don't know enough about this to come out and actually criticise it, perhaps if someone could educate/enlighten me on this scheme and the significance of the block I will be able to understand it and maybe even support it.

    Thanks in advance



  • Engraved bricks and/or granite blocks are a popular custom in the US, Rob, used to signify respect and admiration for the entity cited in the engraving. I don't know if other countries have the same custom but it's pretty widespread in the states.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • The walk of fame stones are used as a fund raiser for the birth place to raise funds for the museum. This is certainly not the only channel for funding, but one of many. So this isn't a scheme.

    This gives us a way to contribute in a tangible way, and also gives the community here away to show to the public visiting the future museum that our little group here supported the effort.

  • Engraved bricks and/or granite blocks are a popular custom in the US . . .

    They are also a popular way to raise funds for any number of projects. The community pool in our area was partially funded by engraved tiles that are in a large bench near the swimming pool, and you can see different families, individuals, and businesses that helped by making donations. Currently, they are trying to raise funds for some kind of all-weather sports complex, and are selling engraved bricks.

    Thanks, Robbie, for expressing your concerns, as you may not be alone in your thoughts.

    Let's face it - the cost of the granite block or any of the other tribute bricks is relatively small in value compared to the amount of the donation, so what is happening is that we are making a sizable donation, getting tangible credit for it, and most if not all of the donation will go to the museum. If we buy merchandise, certainly we are getting something in return, but you can be certain that a much smaller portion of that merchandise contributes to the museum, because of the costs involved in selling the merchandise (cost of the product, overhead of the gift shop itself, employee costs, etc.).

    As Kevin said, in addition to helping finance the museum and learning center, there will be a perpetual memorial showing that the group here at the JWMB was part of the effort!

    I hope our comments allay your concerns, Robbie. Donating is purely voluntary, and there is NO pressure on anyone to contribute. An email went to the membership at large solely to let everyone know about the opportunity to be part, not to place undue pressure.

    Chester :newyear:

  • Just out of curiosity, how long will this fund drive last? The reason I ask is because I want to make a contribution but January is a bad time for me as I'm trying to recover from large Christmas expenses, plus my car insurance comes due this month.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Just out of curiosity, how long will this fund drive last? The reason I ask is because I want to make a contribution but January is a bad time for me as I'm trying to recover from large Christmas expenses, plus my car insurance comes due this month.

    We hope we can achieve the goal by March 1st. If we can accomplishment the goal sooner, than that would be best.

  • I will make a contribution next month to fund. January is a bad month after Christmas and I also have Birthdays everywhere as well.

    I voted for She Wore a Yellow Ribbon because as Smokey says we have a direct link to that movie through our esteemed member William Brooks being in it and it seems to me to make it more personal to us.


  • Come on You Cowboys and Cowgirls,
    Get Up Off Your Wallet and give "Kevin" the Man that Gave Us This Great Web-Site "AND FOR FREE" that we have All This Fun On for the Past Years and that We Call "OUR WEB-SITE," and Send Him a Few Bucks for this John Wayne Birthplace Thing at Winterset.
    This is our Chance to get the Name of This Web- Site Up Where Many People can See About Us, and Help Out get the New John Wayne Museum to get Going.

    If You Can Not Afford $50.00, I will just Bet That Kevin will take and use Any Amount That You Send !!!


  • Just out of curiosity, how long will this fund drive last? The reason I ask is because I want to make a contribution but January is a bad time for me as I'm trying to recover from large Christmas expenses, plus my car insurance comes due this month.

    You are certainly not alone in being "financially impaired" at the beginning of a new year.

    Donations have been a little slow, but we are hoping that will change now that we are headed into a new month.

    Chester :newyear:

  • we are hoping that will change now that we are headed into a new month.

    I have both a suggestion and a belated complaint. It would be nice to know that those of us who contribute to this fund drive are at the very least acknowledged and some measure of appreciation extended by those doing the soliciting.

    The reason I say this is that when Kevin asked for donations to buy the program needed to run this site, some of us (including me) sent him money but there was never a word of thanks from anybody, including Kevin. People who know that their help is appreciated are more likely to give.

    I personally feel that a list of contributors should be posted, with the dollar amounts contributed.

    Finally, I don't use Pay Pal because I don't like to give out information about either my bank account or my credit card numbers over the internet. Accordingly, I submitted a request to be given a mailing address where I can send a money order but haven't heard zilch from anybody.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Quote

    The reason I say this is that when Kevin asked for donations to buy the program needed to run this site, some of us (including me) sent him money but there was never a word of thanks from anybody, including Kevin. People who know that their help is appreciated are more likely to give.

    I apologize for not thanking you for your help back last year for the help you gave to cover the message board license. I thought I had thanked everyone at the time that the donation was given. Some back then didn't want their names post in public so we decided to keep it private.


    I personally feel that a list of contributors should be posted, with the dollar amounts contributed.

    We had discussed this and decided to not post the list, we'd be happy to revisit this again. We'd be happy to post the names of whoever donated if they want us too.


    Finally, I don't use Pay Pal because I don't like to give out information about either my bank account or my credit card numbers over the internet. Accordingly, I submitted a request to be given a mailing address where I can send a money order but haven't heard zilch from anybody.

    I sent you an email reply back on the 2nd at 9:07am to your email. I'll re-send it to your email or better yet I'll PM the response.

  • Any particular reason? Hell, let's see who the real Duke fans are, instead of those who just pay lip service to the cause.

    Hello Stumpy,

    I understand what you are saying. It is nice to be appreciated for what a person does. A general thanks would be great to those who can give and have given in the past. But there needs to be some understanding in the fact that some people just don't have the money. It is a tough time we live in right now and family needs to be taking care of first and foremost. Just because some people don't or can't give, does not make them any less of a fan.

    I intend to try and give soon, but it won't be easy. I have my wife's mother living with us now because of a terminal illness, which taxes my family budget. My wife loses time from her work to take care of her. So things are real tight here at my house. I am sure there are others here also who have their own stories and reasons they can't give or will have a hard time trying to. But we all are true Duke fans here. Why else would we have searched this forum out?

    I just wanted to pipe in here so that there will be understanding for those who can't pitch in at this time. Thanks for listening.


    "I couldn't go to sleep at night if the director didn't call 'cut'. "