Posts from dukefan1 in thread „Most Disappointing Movie You Ever Saw.“

    Benito. The Rise and Fall of Mussolini with Antonio Banderas. That movie was 5 hours and 7 minutes of wasted time I will never get back. I kept watching, thinking it had to get better. It didn't. I got it out of the 5 dollar bin at Wallmart a few years ago. Should have left it be. The title was misleading as well. You saw some of the "rise" and that was it. The film ended with you reading, in scrolling text, what happened later.


    Stumpy, I loved Apocalypto! I went into it not expecting to enjoy it, for I heard it was all subtitled. But I got hooked very quickly and have watched it several times.


    I hope Mel gets lung cancer.

    JohnWayneFan4Life, I hope you can learn to control yourself a little with your phrasing, as I have had two members of my family die from lung cancer, and it isn't pretty. I wouldn't wish that on anyone. Not one bit. Please don't take this as criticism, just a friendly request. Thanks.