Posts from markgpl in thread „Most Disappointing Movie You Ever Saw.“

    I have to agree with the poster who thought that all of the hype re the Blair Witch Project was just that - alot of hype. I remember all of the hoopla at the time about it redefining terror and horror and I just left the theater thinking it was just plain silly. And nauseous after having to look at the jiggly screen for a couple of hours because it was filmed with a hand held cam to give it an authentic feel.

    I'm not a big fan of horror movies in general - but I remember going to see this with high expectations and it didn't even come close.

    I thought Pearl Harbour with Ben Affleck and Josh Harnett was a dog..!! An incredibly sappy love story with the bombing of Pearl Harbour almost a secondary thing in the background.

    Batman and Robin - George Clooney's batman movie - was just plain awful. I remember reading somewhere that the movie single handedly killed the careers of Chris O'Donnell, Alicia Silverstone and Arnold Schwartenegger. And if Uma Thurman wasn't such a looker, it probably would have done her in too.