Posts from chester7777 in thread „Open Range“


    Originally posted by arthurarnell@Mar 25 2004, 07:35 AM
    They're making a big thing of Open Range over here. I'll wait until it comes out on dvd at Blockbusters and then see.




    Though you posted the above in a different place on the board, it seemed that one was getting off topic, so I thought I'd respond to you here.

    I must echo some of the sentiments voiced in previous posts - I would encourage you to see Open Range on the big screen. It has some spectacular scenery that just won't be the same on a TV screen. The Mrs. and I don't go out to the movies very often, but that movie was well worth it!

    Chester :newyear:


    Originally posted by Hondo Duke Lane@Jan 17 2004, 10:07 AM
    But maybe one day I'll get one of those HDTV Widescreen Digital Plasma 64" Screens for my viewing.


    Yeah, after a few years, the price will come down and be affordable.

    We bought our 27" TV about 18 years ago, and paid over $1000. That was a huge amount for a TV back then, and it was top of the line. It just gave out recently, so we're thinking of replacing it. It's in our bedroom now (the big screen TV in our living room - 42" (small by today's standards) - came from our rental house, which we don't own any longer - another story for another day).

    Anyway . . . since there is a limited space in the bedroom, we'll stay with the 27", but now we can get that with a built-in VCR and DVD player, for under $500 (under $400 with the coupon at Costco in a few weeks). See what I mean about the price coming down?

    I've been eyeballing those big screens at Costco, and even there, you're lookin' at 5 grand - way more than I can spend.

    Chester :newyear:


    Wow! Definitely sounds like it's worth having, and those extras really sweeten the deal.

    So . . . how much trouble would it be to upload it for the rest of us to download B) ?

    Just kidding, of course!

    . . . did you say FREE SHIPPING . . . ?

    You lucky dog, you! Enjoy!

    Chester :newyear: and the Mrs. :angel1:

    SXViper and Hondo,

    Hey, you guys are GREAT! I so appreciate all the tips you all share here, to help us get what we want in the way of films, and get the best price, too.

    Chester :newyear:

    I also saw that movie in the theatre with my wife. Seeing it on the big screen was well worth it! I will buy it on DVD, because I want to encourage Hollywood to make more movies like that (although I have been known to wait awhile for the price to come down a little - it must be the Scottish blood in me :rolleyes: ).

    Chester :newyear:

    We Went!

    . . . tonight actually. The Mrs. and I took advantage of Family Night special prices of $4.50 per ticket, and our middle son (age 15) went with us as well.

    The popcorn and large soda we shared cost as much as the movie tickets! :o

    But you gotta have that popcorn at the movie theater. :rolleyes:

    The movie was really very good, and the sophistication of filming techniques has advanced so much in 20 or 30 years that you can't hardly help but like it. The scenery is stunning, the color wonderful, good story line, good acting, good music . . . and enough shooting to satisfy the most jaded of cowboy fans. Excellent characterizations as well - Robert Duvall and Kevin Costner did a great job. I am NOT a Costner fan, but really enjoyed him in this flick (although I wanted to smack him upside the head near the end, as you'll understand if you see the movie). ;) The movie certainly makes you appreciate the right to keep and bear arms.

    Mrs. Chester says she'll go back and see it again on the big screen when the opportunity presents itself (our 13 year old wants to see it, but we wanted to preview it first - it is pretty violent, but she can handle that). I could wait at least a week. BTW, the 15 year old isn't particularly a Western fan, but wanted to see it and said it was good.

    Chester :cowboy:


    Thanks for that input. I've been hearing the ads on the radio, and based on those, it sounds like a great movie, and it also got pretty decent reviews, but it helps to have someone I know say it was a good movie.

    We don't see too many movies at the theater, but Open Range sounds like one worth shelling out the bucks for.



    Originally posted by Kevin@Aug 11 2003, 07:41 PM
    Just say no to Costner! This boy can't act. :P But I'd love to see Hollywood bring back the western more frequently.


    That's no way to talk about your namesake! Seriously, I'm not a Kevin Costner fan myself, but let's hope he makes a good western.
