Posts from Stumpy in thread „Least Favorite Actor/Actress“

    That is low, very low. Political believes are a choice. Being hetero or lesbian or gay is not a choice. Sorry to say but I find this rascist talk (and no I am not a lesbian but I do have gay friends) If you find that that actress is lousy okay but calling her dumb (as that is what you do) because of what she believes Other than that I also do not like her just as I don't like Brad Pitt and Hugh Grant.

    Since when did telling the truth become "racist", Sally? She is a lesbian or does that word definition not appear in your Websters?

    You are entitled to you opinion as much as Jim, however I am disappointed at your insistence on bandying the word "racist" about, this was not only premature but also immature.


    Racist wasn't even the right appelation anyway. She should have called me homophobic, if anything. However, even that's not entirely accurate as "phobic" connotes hate and fear and I neither hate nor fear queers.

    Let's me make one thing clear. I may not agree with their politics which is a majority of them, but I do admire their acting. I do not agree with Susan Surardon, but I do think she is a very good actor.

    I admire their acting, when they keep their mouth shut about politics. For instance, Paul Newman, whom I regard as the finest actor during my lifetime, is a notorious liberal. But he does not advertise this fact by broadcasting his views to the world, as many others do in Hollyweird. Same went for Burt Lancaster. He was one of my favorite actors but like Newman, was a hardcore liberal. However, you'd never have known it by either his acting or public pronouncements.

    On the other hand, there are people like Sean Penn, Streisand, Clooney, Robbins and his wife Sarandon who are constantly running off at the mouth about various political issues and invariably they're promoting the left-wing POV. Since they're celebrities, the stinkin' media, which is also heavily left-wing, always gives those pronouncements much front-page publicity. Since about 90 % of Americans believe everything they hear or read in the so-called "mainstream" media, these left-wing celebrities influence a lot of public opinion, thus damaging the conservatives. And that's why I don't like actors/actresses shooting off their mouths about politics.

    I forgot Baldwin - he would be on my list of least favorites too. But I like Costner and De Niro and have no great antipathy toward Pacino and Seagal. As for Julia Roberts, I don't care for her politics but have to admit that I've seen her in a couple of movies I liked pretty well.

    I imagine most folks on this forum will agree that the Duke was (and is) our favorite movie star of all time. I also imagine most of us can name movie "stars" who rank among our least favorite Hollywood celebrities.

    Speaking for myself, one name springs immediately to mind and that's Hanoi Jane Fonda.
    Though she's the daughter of a star I very much liked and respected, Jane herself is an (expletive deleted) as far as I'm concerned. Others on my personal list of least favorites are Sean Penn and Barbra Streisand.

    Care to name your least favorites?