Posts from chester7777 in thread „Least Favorite Actor/Actress“

    Marlon Brando made my skin crawl. I cannot look at Sean Penn or Nicholas Cage in a movie. If my wife insists on watching one of their horror shows, I block out their image with my hand.
    Jim Carey is a talentless schmuck. Jack Black is repulsive. Will Farrell is a big #%&hole. Owen Wilson is an incompetent high voiced creep who can't even successfully commit suicide. Keanu Reeves is not from this planet but he couldn't even play a decent alien in the remake of "Day the Earth Stood Still".
    Jane Fonda should be in jail or just finishing her term for treason and being in "Barbarella". John Cusak is a dweeb.
    There seems to be a horde of interchangeable young males with names like Ryan, Brad, Seth or Jake that simply fail to register, so I can't readily identify them to get disgusted by them.


    Tell us how you REALLY feel!

    :)))::))): The biggest laugh I've had so far today!

    Mrs. C :angel1:

    These are names, that when I hear them, make me NOT want to see whatever movie they are in -

    Will Ferrell
    Adam Sandler
    Jim Carrey

    Having said that, I have probably seen each of these actors in a movie that I thought was OK, but it wasn't their presence that made it OK.

    I'm sure I'll come up with some more. And I'm sure Chester will have his own list to add later.

    Mrs. C :angel1: