Posts from chester7777 in thread „Have Gun - Will Travel (1957-1963)“

    I've always thought if I knew which episode it was, my eagle eye could spot him. Thanks very much for your help, my friend. I've seen my idol, Mr Nimoy, in several of his uncredited appearances in films.

    I read on Wikipedia just now that Leonard Nimoy was supposed to have made an appearance on HGWT. He's not listed with a speaking part to his credit in IMDB. Does anyone out there know if he played an Indian, excuse me, Native American in any episode? I've gone through all the ones I have on DVD and I can't ID him.

    Is it true? Have you spotted him hiding behind a rock or on a horse? Do tell, please. I'm a big fan and would love to see him.

    If he was behind a rock, he would be easy to spot. His ears would give him away. :))):

    Chester :newyear:

    At the age of 60, I'm thinking fondly of the '60s and believe I grew up in the best of all times in postwar America.

    At the age of 62, I agree. Coincidentally, I was visiting a kookie electronics friend of mine, who knows I'm a John Wayne and Western fan, and he runs in the house and comes back out, saying, "Hey, I got something for you!" and hands me two VHS tapes of Have Gun, Will Travel (with 4 episodes on each tape!), so you know what else we were watching today.

    Chester :newyear: