Posts from gt12pak in thread „500+ Post Club“

    Hi kilo 6. I haven't had the pleasure of "speaking" to you, but let me also congratulate you on your 600 posts!!!! How does kilo 600 sound?:thumbs_up:

    Thanks, Hondo. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time here and hope to hang around a lot longer if you people will have me (Tolerate at least?). :wink_smile:

    If you people will have me????? Now where have I heard that one before? Oh that's right...I had that same quote in another thread. Well, getting back on topic, since I'm here, welcome to the 600 post club. See you soon at 700

    Look out, there's a new marshal in town.

    Allow me to also extend my congratulations to Tbone (one of my favorite pieces of meat by the way :wink_smile: ) on his 500 posts.

    Been away for awhile, but thanks for all the congrats.

    Jay, we finally got a little rain around here so maybe the dust will settle down for a bit.

    Viper, like the new signature.

    DakotaSurfer, a late congrats on 800 posts!!! You should pass me in the next week or so.:hyper:

    Well, here it is. # 900. And I could not think of a better time than the Duke's birthday to post it. :beer: Here's to the 1000 posts club that's just around the corner and once more....

    Happy 100th Birthday John Wayne!!!!!

    I wish I could be here to witness your thousandth post. The lib will be closed till Tuesday--so nothing for me between Sat and Tues. Good thing John Wayne movies will be aired as well as finally getting in my 1st season of Daniel Boone.

    Think they're celebrating the Duke's birthday as well?

    Thanks guys... I will be missing 4 days of posting here this weekend. But I'll make it up after i get back. Next stop... 1000.

    Hate to see you not posting for a few days. I don't suppose you could keep us informed by laptop could you?

    Hello my friend. For a second there, I thought you had JUST a bit too much of Who-Hit-John. Hopefully, we'll :phone: again real soon. Next week perhaps?????

    Hello boss. When you're as a big of a fan of the Duke as I am, you get kind of addicted to this site. So every day when I get off work, I get the kids, get through with homework, cook supper, clean house, and log on here. DAMN I sound just like a housewife. Truth is, my wife is in school right now, so most everything falls on me. Sorry for rambling.