Posts from Hawkswill in thread „A Friendly Subject“

    LOL, you try free diving for lobster with a big homemade sling shot 30 or 40 feet down, Mark, my friend. Yet folks could put on double tanks and go down and clean out a whole reef by hand. Remember, sharks and cudas are swimming all around and follow you up to the boat and back down, LOL. When in the Keys in about 14 feet of water, we were always most legal and caught them with lightly gloved hands!

    In the 10 years I did that........only time we ever had a problem, and it was thrown out for lack of evidence. Sure was a unique type of fun, though. After just being there about 3 weeks or so........I sent home for Money from Mom and Dad telling them if I had to eat another lobster or fresh snapper, grouper, etc. I would DIE..........I just wanted some hamburger and chicken. I could hear my Mom's angry roar from Atlanta.....and I was in Miami Beach! Dad and Mom LOVED seafood almost as much as I do.......Hah, was pretty funny now that I think back. Just wanted some hamburger or pot roast.

    Every Christmas though, I would go home to Atlanta first and Tampa later, and bring about 100 FL lobster tails, some fresh conch, some shrimp, scallops, clams, and fish...........what a party I threw every Christmas when I visited home.........everyone was invited. It was very rare that anyone missed those parties, LOL! KEITH

    LOL Mark, reminds me of when me and the boys were free diving for lobster off N. Miami Beach in about 30 feet of water, (free diving tanks, just hold your breath and come up and breathe out of your snorkle). We were using Hawaiian slings for lobster......not exactly legal, LOL. Had about 40. Two Marine patrol boats swooped around our little twelve foot aluminum john boat. We were below and heard and saw the boats. So, Billy came to each of us, grabbed all the lobster we had, put them into his shortie wetsuit, (no won't get me on this...he had a tank suit under the shortie, LOL, HAH), and stuffed it under a coral head........then, up we went. MP guys were all for taking us and the boat to jail. Billy said it was his boat.....could only take him. Well, they did, and let us take the boat to shore. Later, we went back for the lobster, and Billy was released on his own recognizance, (fireman and Med Tech). He went to evidence.......LOL....LOVED IT! KEITH Check out the first user review on THree Bad Men!

    LOL Mark, reminds me of when me and the boys were free diving for lobster off N. Miami Beach in about 30 feet of water, (free diving tanks, just hold your breath and come up and breathe out of your snorkle). We were using Hawaiian slings for lobster......not exactly legal, LOL. Had about 40. Two Marine patrol boats swooped around our little twelve foot aluminum john boat. We were below and heard and saw the boats. So, Billy came to each of us, grabbed all the lobster we had, put them into his shortie wetsuit, (no won't get me on this...he had a tank suit under the shortie, LOL, HAH), and stuffed it under a coral head........then, up we went. MP guys were all for taking us and the boat to jail. Billy said it was his boat.....could only take him. Well, they did, and let us take the boat to shore. Later, we went back for the lobster, and Billy was released on his own recognizance, (fireman and Med Tech). He went to evidence.......LOL....LOVED IT! KEITH Check out the first user review on THree Bad Men!

    LOL, YEARS since I heard that one, Mark. I usually can't remember jokes very well, but I used to tell that one a lot and got some great laughs out of it. It is almost exactly like it was when it circled the net long time ago. Thanks for reminding me of it! I can just SEE that burglar's face when the parrot says the last line! Thanks, KEITH

    Comedies aren't usually my thing Mark; and I am not too big on jokes unless they are really good. But, I got a kick out of this one.....laughed right out loud here all by myself. So, you got the old stone faced lady to put forth a guffaw! Good one, Mark. Even think I can remember it. My friends will all be astonished when the jokes are flying, and I come out with one, LOL! Thanks, KEITH

    Funny! Reminds me of when I was working with one of those small red staplers. Somehow, I put a staple right through one of my fingers. As I was working with the staple remover attached, I did it again. NO WAY was I going to ask anyone to help me....I was too embarrassed. Finally got them both out with a good pair of pliers. Needless to say, I am extremely careful around staplers of any kind now. You should see me with my compressed air one in the shop, LOL! KPKEITH Tools are made for SMART people.

    Good one Dukefan1!