I was talking to Chance on the chatroom last night and we both agreed this place has become a little unfriendly down to many reasons and most of us arnt exactly blameless myself included. However to bring a bit of fun back into this messageboard why doesn't everyone post a joke or funny story to this section of the messageboard, I wonder will some try and get even by posting a topic cut out the jokes.
Heres my joke
Three men who died at the same time go to meet st. peter at the pearly gates. Peter tells the three men that he can only let one of them into heaven and has decided to let the one in who has had the most spectacular death.
Peter invites the first man over to tell him how he died. Well St. Peter I thought my wife was having an affair so I returned home from work early to our flat on the fifth story and I knew immediately she was with another man so I searched for her and found her taking a shower but there was no man. I searched throughout the house and finally found him hiding by hanging over a bannister. I went over to him in a rage and stomped furiously on his fingers but the man hung on. I then located a hammer and banged on the mans fingers he dropped but didn't die as something broke his fall. I ran back into the flat picked the microwave and threw it down at the man, it hit him and he died immediately. Then in sorrow at what I'd done I ran got a gun and killed myself, St Peter looked at him and said 'Next'.
The next man came to st peter and st peter asked him the same question 'How did you die'. Well I was about to take a shower but decided to go on the exercise bike for a few minutes but while I was on it I lost my balance and fell out over the bannister. Luckily however when I was falling I grabbed hold of a beam from the flat below and began to pull myself in. Just as I did this some man came and started stomping on my fingers, I held on for my life and luckily the man went away. He then however came back with a hammer and banged on my fingers and the pain was so bad I lost my grip and dropped but luckily a bush broke my fall. Then as I looked up something flew down hit me and killed me. St Peter looked at the many sorrowfully before saying 'next'.
The third man came over and St.Peter asked him how did you die. 'Well st Peter picture this your naked and in a fridge.