Posts from smokey in thread „100+ Post Club“

    to all who have passed another milestone while i wasnt here a big CONGRATS to you all and be seeing you at the next stone along the pathway to fame

    cheers smokey

    CONGRATS to Bek & H.sanada on reaching your latest milestones, keep them coming and you will be up the ladder of fame before you know it

    cheers smokey
    p.s sorry its a little late

    congrats to moonshine sally and saddle tramp for reaching their new milestones. sorry i havent said so before but better late than never

    cheers smokey

    CONGRATS johnc on reaching your first of many hundreds, glad that you like the place we will be seeing you soon at 200

    cheers smokey

    CONGRATS to cchoate on reacing you milestone keep them coming and we will see you at the next step along the highway to fame:wink:

    cheers smokey


    a bigCONGRATS on reaching 300 :hyper: with school being out you could make it to 400:gossip: before you go back, keep them coming and hopefully the horse flu will finish soon and you can get back to doing things with the horses

    cheers smokey


    congrats on reachng the first of many steps to the great heights that we all wish to get to. keep them coming and you will be there soon.

    cheers smokey

    a BIG CONGRATS to erthomp143 and may2 on passing another of your milestones keep going and we will see you both at the next

    cheers smokey

    congrats to you ethan on reaching your first 100 keep them coming and before you know it you to will be in the 1000's

    cheers smokey

    yeehaw ELLY has passed her first mile stone, there are many more to come so keep going and before you know it you will reach the lofty heights of 1000.

    cheers smokey

    hi emmanuel

    CONGRATS on reaching 900 keep them coming and soon you will be in the next bracket the 1000 post club

    cheers smokey

    big congrats to all who have passed mile stones while i've been sleeping (on the job :teeth_smile: )

    keep them coming

    cheers smokey


    to every one who have passed mile stones while i have been absent sorry that they are late but better late then never see you all at your next mile stones

    hooroo smokey

    hi falc04

    CONGRATS on the first 100 and there are many more to come keep plodding along and we will see you soon reaching 200

    hooroo smokey